These are the 10 posts of 143 by Röandil.

  • Discuss profile name

    Other possible forms with the more usual Quenya ordering would be Narfin and Narfinde (with possible further extrapolations to Narfindil, Narfindel, Narfindele, etc.).

  • Eldar

    Like this: eldar

  • Name Translation

    Yep, thought about that one but remembered it's "Sindarish" more than Sindarin proper — one of the Elvish-inspired names Tolkien offered Meriel Thurston for her bulls (Letter 345).

  • Name Translation

    As compounds, I'd say Q. mori-quesse > Moriquesse and S. pess-morn > Pessevorn or morn-pess > Morphes (older) or Morbes (newer) are the most straightforward formations, which could then take various optional name-forming or gender-specifying suffixes. Curious for some other opinions.

    I suspect there's another possible result for the tricky -ss-m- sequence in the first Sindarin option, but without attested examples, it's probably safer to stick with the connecting vowel from pess's hypothetical ancestor: AT *pesse < PE *kwessē.

  • Dwarvish word for dragon

    Yes, but important to underscore that's a neo-Khuzdul project. The word and underlying root for Dwarrow Scholar's "dragon" don't come from Tolkien, if that's what OP is after.

  • Dwarvish word for dragon

    We don't know, referencing the currently published material.

  • "Remember us"

    Then yep, I'd say á rene me (tengwar transcription: á rene me) or áme rene (áme rene). There are different arguments about where the pronoun should go there in Tolkien's latest ideas, but we have both structures attested.

    Gilruin's transcriptions with enyal- are good! I'd posit based on current evidence that the difference between them is that to enyale something is to call it back to mind, while to rene is to hold it in memory. The latter seems fitting for your context. We don't have the verb ren- attested explicitly, however, so I wouldn't inscribe this anywhere permanent (e.g. as a tattoo).

  • "Remember us"

    Enyalie is the noun "memory" (lit. "recalling" < en- "re-again" + yal- "call, summon" + gerund suffix -ie); you're rather after the verb "to remember." I'd actually recommend the neologism ren- here inflected as a command: á rene.

    Quenya distinguishes a few different kinds of "us": me (excluding the addressee), ve (including), met "us two (but not you)," and vet "you and me." We need more context to provide the proper pronoun. Who's speaking to whom?

  • Would this be a good way to say "I am very tired"

    I'd say Ni amalumba "I (am) very weary," with intensive prefix am(a)- on the adjective lumba.

  • Need help with an antonym question: does Aufindë mean hairless?

    The shape au- is more often attested "away (from)" than "-less" and is usually applied to verbal stems. Tolkien changed his mind on privative/abessive elements quite a bit throughout his life. Some Quenya forms that might work:

    Q. Findenco(n) "Hairless One" < (hypothetical) Primitive Elvish *Phindenekō

    • finde "hair (usually of the head) + -nca "without, -less" + -o, -on (masculine name-forming suffixes)

    Q. Alafinde "Hairless" < PE *Alaphindē

    • ala- "without, less" in older names and compounds (cf. alahen "eyeless," PE22:153) + finde "hair"
    • This could be syncopated and take additional name-forming suffixes to taste: Alafindion, Alfindion, Alafindel, Alfindel, Alafindil, Alfindil, etc.

    The Sindarin forms would probably be straightforward Penfin(d), Penfing or Penfindel, Penfinnel < pen- "without, lacking, less" + find "tress," fing "lock of hair," †findel > finnel "head of hair, fax." Note also that all these √SPIN(ID) derivatives refer to the hair of the head. We have much less to work with in the area of "fur, fur coat."

    He’s also super energetic, so something like nîdharwa seemed appropriate because he’s energetic… Or caudarwa because he’s ‘spicy’ in his demeanor.

    These are blends of Noldorin/Goldogrin (early and very early draft-Sindarin, respectively) with middle-concept Quenya and don't really work!