These are the 10 posts of 143 by Röandil.

  • Tolkien Language Copyright

    I’d still encourage you to develop your own names rather than co-opt Tolkien’s languages for a race of Elves he didn’t intend them for, but I suppose it’s just a matter of taste, especially if the book is for personal enjoyment.

    (“Sundered Land” would more likely use a RAK or SKAT derivative in Quenya.)

  • Tolkien Language Copyright

    The question of copyright when it comes to constructed languages is still pretty murky. That said, if you're planning to use Tolkien's in a book from which you're hoping to make money, you're sailing into treacherous waters. The Estate isn't likely to grant approval outright, and if they catch wind after the fact, they could be swift to litigate.

    It's also a derivative and worn-out choice, if I can be frank. I can't count the number of sighs I've let fly reading about mithril or Eldar in yet another fantasy world. Why not create your own distinctive names? If that's not your cup of tea, there are plenty of conlangers who would leap at the chance to work with you in a fresh and original setting.

  • I need some help with a translation

    The tengwar aren’t a language, but a writing system, so they don’t have a dictionary.

    You can transcribe many languages using them, but translations into the Elvish languages require dedicated study of Tolkien’s linguistic material and reliable fan-developed resources.

  • I need some help with a translation

    In Quenya, I would say:

    Nai rauco yalie tulyauva lye et undumello .
    Nai rauco yalië tulyauva lye et undumello.
    lit. "May (the) devil's crying/summoning lead you out abyss-from."

  • Translating a phrase

    A bit late, bit if you'd like the Quenya version as well, I'd say something like Entulessë Arroccoron, similarly meaning "Return [lit. "Coming-again"] of the Noble-horses."

  • can some one proplay translate this to sindrin

    There's quite a lot of grammar you'd have to study and learn to translate any song lyric, but this one's especially tricky, as we don't have any Elvish words for things like "Louisiana," "New Orleans," "cabin," or "guitar."

    I think this song is best enjoyed in the original English, alas!

  • Need a Sindarin Expert

    Though if celeth is one of your favorite words based on sound, and you don't mind the shift in meaning from "fountain" to "stream," that could still be an option.

    El, would those produce †Tingeleth and Tengeleth?

  • Need a Sindarin Expert

    Note that celeth is rather the Noldorin (read: draft-Sindarin) word for a stream or brook, literally meaning "a flowing." I'd accept it as valid for that sense in Tolkien's later conception, but I'll defer to more Sindarin-focused experts. If you're after the meaning "fountain" as a spring or source of water, I'd suggest eithel.

  • Help me

    Great! Can you provide a meaning for the name?

  • Help me

    Hi Dani — are you asking for a translation of that name into Quenya, or merely a transcription into the tengwar?