Mae govannen!
Well met! You have found an elvish book, Parf Edhellen, dedicated to the fictional languages in Tolkien's legendarium.
About the website
This website is dedicated to Tolkien's languages, with an emphasis on the elvish languages of his legendarium. Our dictionary consists of imported glosses from a variety of quality dictionaries, categorised and searchable by sense, conjugation and more. You can read more on our about page.
The dictionary contains 128662 words, 47416 active glosses and 69 phrases. The community has posted 4370 comments, finished 149417 flashcards and given 1340 thanks. You can access more statistics by going to Contributors.
Parf Edhellen is and has been open source since its inception 14 years ago. It is developed and maintained by Leonard (@parmaeldo). If you are a developer, you can follow the project on Github.
Gloss of the hour
tar calimos
place name. *Royal Bright City
- Tar Kalimos ✧ PM/145 (
Tar Kalimos); PMI/Tar Kalimos (Tar Kalimos); SDI2/Tar KalimosChanges
Tar Kalimos→ Armenelos ✧ PM/145Tar Kalimos→ Armenelos ✧ PMI/Tar KalimosElements
Word Gloss tar- “high, high; [ᴹQ.] king or queen (in compounds)” calima “bright, luminous” osto “fortress, stronghold, strong place, fortress, stronghold, strong place; [ᴹQ.] city, town with wall round”
Phrase of the day
Alae! Ered en Echoriath, ered e·mbar nín!
Voronwë's cry upon approaching Gondolin.
Community activity
The 15 most recent activities.
- Telumë posted in a grammar question in quenya.
- Telumë posted in a grammar question in quenya.
- rhearoset52790 posted in Translation request in Quenya.
- Elliot Wilson liked a post in in need of some guidance.
- Rínor posted in in need of some guidance.
- Ambarkas liked a post in feminine name for gil-galad.
- LegolasLover2012 liked a post in feminine name for gil-galad.
- LegolasLover2012 liked a post in feminine name for gil-galad.
- LegolasLover2012 liked a post in feminine name for gil-galad.
- LegolasLover2012 posted in feminine name for gil-galad.
- Ambarkas liked a post in feminine name for gil-galad.
- Ambarkas posted in feminine name for gil-galad.
- Ambarkas liked a post in Thranduil alternate name + matching queen name.
- Ambarkas posted in Thranduil alternate name + matching queen name.
- Elliot Wilson posted in in need of some guidance.