Quenya 



illi noun "all" (as independent noun, apparently treated as a plural form). Imb' illi "among all" (VT47:30)


noun. all

Element in



ilya adj. and noun "all" (LR:47, 56; SD:310), "all, the whole" (IL); "each, every, all of a particular group of things" (VT39:20); ilyë before a plural noun, "all" being inflected like an adjective (Nam, RGEO:67): ilyë tier "all paths" (Namárië, VT39:20), ilyë mahalmar "all thrones" (CO), ilya raxellor "from all dangers" (VT44:9; we might expect *ilyë raxellor here), ilyárëa (older ilyázëa) "daily, of every day" (evidently ilya "every" + árë, ázë "day" + -a adjectival ending) (VT43:18). Tolkien apparently abandoned ilyárëa in favour of ilaurëa, q.v.


adjective. all

Sindarin 


adjective. all, all, *complete, entire, full, the whole

@@@ extended meaning suggested on Discord 2022-03-11


  • ᴺQ. qua(na) “all, complete, entire, full, the whole”


  • KWA “complete, full, whole, all, every, complete, full, whole, all, every; [ᴹ√] something”

Element in

Sindarin [AotM/062; SD/129] Group: Eldamo. Published by


adjective. all, in totality

As no other word beginning in ph- is attested, it is assumed that a nasal mutation is triggered by the pronoun în.1 , hence the form observed in the "King's Letter"

Sindarin [mhellyn în phain SD/129-31] Group: SINDICT. Published by



(adj.) *pân, pl. pain (only attested in mutated pl. form phain, SD:128-31). Not to be confused with the noun pân ”plank”.



pl. pain (only attested in mutated pl. form phain, SD:128-31). Not to be confused with the noun pân ”plank”.



adjective. all

A word translated “all” in the Lament of Akallabêth (SD/288, VT24/12). This word appeared in the form kâtha in the final typescript version of the Lament (SD/247), but in all other instances appeared as katha. If the final typescript is later than the final manuscript, kâtha may be its final form, but I believe that the manuscript was later, and katha better matches its appearance as an element in kathuphazgân “conqueror” (SD/429). This last example is interesting in that it is an example of an adjective declined into the objective case.

Element in

Adûnaic [SD/247; SD/288; SD/312; SD/429; VT24/12] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Primitive elvish


root. all

A root meaning “all” in Tolkien’s writings from the 1930s through 1960s (VT48/25) with derivatives in both Quenya and Sindarin, the most notable being Q. Ilúvatar “All-father” (MR/39). Its earliest precursor is the root ᴱ√ILU “ether, the slender airs among the stars” from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, whose derivatives include various sky-words as well as ᴱQ. Ilúvatar, since in this early period the name meant “Heavenly Father” (QL/42). The meaning of the root shifted to ᴹ√IL “all” in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/IL), and it retained this sense thereafter.


  • ilū “all, everything, the whole”
    • Q. ilu “everything, all, the whole, everything, all, the whole; [ᴹQ.] universe, world; [ᴱQ.] ether” ✧ VT39/20
    • ᴺS. ilu “universe, the whole, cosmos”
  • Q. il- “every, *all”
  • Q. ilya “every, each, all (of a particular group of things), every, each, all (of a particular group of things), [ᴹQ.] the whole”
  • S. il “*all”

Element in

Primitive elvish [VT48/25] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Qenya 


adverb. all

Element in

Middle Primitive Elvish


root. all


  • ᴹQ. ilu “universe, world” ✧ Ety/IL
  • ᴹQ. ilúve “universe, world; Heaven” ✧ Ety/IL
  • ᴹQ. ilya “all, the whole” ✧ Ety/IL

Element in

  • ᴹQ. ilqa “everything, all” ✧ Ety/IL
Middle Primitive Elvish [Ety/IL] Group: Eldamo. Published by