Quenya 



Ilúvatar masc. name "All-father", God (SD:401, FS, IL; Ilúv-atar, ATA, Iluvatar with a short u, SD:346). Often in combination with the divine name as Eru Ilúvatar, "Eru Allfather", cf. MR:112. "Qenya" genitive Ilúvatáren "of Ilúvatar" in Fíriel's Song, LR:47 and SD:246, the genitive ending is -en instead of -o as in LotR-style Quenya. Cf. the later genitive Ilúvataro in the phrase Híni Ilúvataro (see "Children of Ilúvatar" in the Silmarillion Index)


masculine name. Father of All

A Quenya name for God (S/15, Let/155), translated “Father of All” or “All-father” (Let/204, MR/39). It is a compound of the noun ilúvë “all” and atar “father” (SA/atar, ilúvë; WJ/402).

Conceptual Development: This name dates back to the earliest Lost Tales (LT1/49), though ᴱQ. Ilúvatar originally meant “Sky Father” or “Heavenly Father” (LTA1/Ilúvatar, QL/42). A revised translation “Lord for Always” appeared in the Name-list for the Fall of Gondolin (PE15/27) and the translation “All-father” emerged in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s (SM/78, LR/110). ᴹQ. Ilúvatar appeared in The Etymologies as the combination of ᴹQ. ilúve and ᴹQ. atar (Ety/ATA, IL).

Element in

  • Q. Híni Ilúvataro “Children of Ilúvatar” ✧ PE21/83; SI/Children of Ilúvatar


ilúvë“the whole, the all, allness, the whole, the all, allness; [ᴹQ.] universe, world; Heaven”
Quenya [Let/155; Let/204; LotRI/One; MR/039; MRI/Ilúvatar; PE21/83; PMI/Ilúvatar; SA/atar; SA/ilúvë; SI/Children of Ilúvatar; SI/Ilúvatar; UTI/Ilúvatar; WJ/402; WJI/Ilúvatar] Group: Eldamo. Published by


allness, the all

ilúvë noun "allness, the all". In Ilúvatar "All-father". _(SA; WJ:402, MR:471, IL) _In MR:355, ilúvë seems to be equated with Heaven. Cf. SD:401: Ilúvë Ilu "Heaven, the universe, all that is (with and without the Earth)".