Quenya 



ar- (2), also ari-, prefix for superlative (compare arya #1, 2), hence arcalima "brightest", arimelda *"dearest" (PE17:56-57). In the grammar described in the source, this prefix was to express superlative as the highest degree (in actual comparison), whereas the alternative prefix an- rather expressed "very" or "exceedingly" with a more purely augmentative or adverbial force, but these distinctions do not seem to have been clearly present at all stages of Tolkiens work. See an- #2, am- #2.


prefix. superlative prefix; good, superlative prefix; good; [ᴱQ.] intensive


  • Q. arya- “to excel” ✧ PE17/056
  • ARI “good, excellent, noble” ✧ PE17/147

Element in

  • Q. arimaitë “skilful, [supremely] skillful, *gifted”

Phonetic Developments

ARI > ari-[ari-]✧ PE17/147


  • ar ✧ PE17/056; PE17/056
  • ari ✧ PE17/056; PE17/056; PE17/056
  • ari- ✧ PE17/056; PE17/057; PE17/147
Quenya [PE17/056; PE17/057; PE17/147] Group: Eldamo. Published by



ar (2) noun "day" (PE17:148), apparently short for árë, occurring in the names of the Valinorean week listed below. Tolkien indicated that ar in these names could also be arë when the following element begins in a consonant (VT45:27). Usually the word for "day" in LotR-style Quenya is rather aurë (or ), q.v.


sunlight, day

aurë noun "sunlight, day" (SA:ur), "day (of light), a day of special meaning or festival" (VT49:45). locative auressë "in (the) morning" in Markirya, allative aurenna *"on the day" (VT49:43-45). Also compare amaurëa.



árë noun "day" (PM:127) or "sunlight" (SA:arien). Stem ári- _(PE17:126, where the word is further defined as "warmth, especially of the sun, sunlight"). Also name of tengwa #31; cf. also ar # 2. Originally pronounced ázë; when /z/ merged with /r/, the letter became superfluous and was given the new value ss, hence it was re-named essë (Appendix E)_. Also árë nuquerna *"árë reversed", name of tengwa #32, similar to normal árë but turned upside down (Appendix E). See also ilyázëa, ilyárëa under ilya. In the Etymologies, this word has a short initial vowel: arë pl. ari (AR1)


noun. sunlight, warmth (especially of the sun); day

A word for “sunlight” and “warmth (especially of the sun)” as well as the older name of tengwa #31 (k), which was originally used for the sound [z] matching the archaic pronunciation of this name: †áze (LotR/1123). When this sound fell out of use in Quenya (becoming r) the tengwa was repurposed for [ss] and given a new name: Q. essë. The word árë was derived from the root √AS “warmth” (PE17/18, 148; VT43/18).

Conceptual Development: In The Etymologies of the 1930s, ᴹQ. are has the sense “day” as a derivative of the root ᴹ√AR of the same meaning (Ety/AR¹), and it appears with this gloss in some later writings as well (PE17/148, PM/127). By the time Tolkien was writing The Lord of the Rings appendices, though, he had changed the sense of this word to “sunlight” as described above. The sense “day” was transferred to the words aurë and .


  • S. ast “light or heat of the sun” ✧ PE17/018


  • áse “sunlight” ✧ PE17/018
    • AS “warmth” ✧ PE17/018
  • AS “warmth” ✧ PE17/148; PE17/148; SA/arien; VT43/18

Element in

  • Q. árë nuquerna “árë-reversed” ✧ LotR/1123
  • Q. Arien “Maiden of the Sun” ✧ PE17/148
  • ᴺQ. árinqua “sunny, (lit.) sunlight-full”
  • Q. ilyarëa “*daily”
  • Q. siar(ë) “*today, this day”
  • Q. hyárë “*today, this day”
  • Q. sinar “today, today, [ᴹQ.] this morning”

Phonetic Developments

Q. áze > áre[āze] > [āre]✧ LotR/1123
áse > áze > áre[āse] > [āze] > [āre]✧ PE17/018
AS > āze > āre[āse] > [āze] > [āre]✧ PE17/148
AS > ar[ase] > [aze] > [are] > [ar]✧ PE17/148
as- > árë[āse] > [āze] > [āre]✧ SA/arien
AS > áze > áre[āse] > [āze] > [āre]✧ VT43/18


  • áre ✧ LotR/1123; PE17/018; PE17/126; VT43/18
  • áze ✧ LotR/1123 (áze)
  • āre ✧ PE17/126; PE17/148
  • ar ✧ PE17/148
  • arë ✧ PM/127
Quenya [LotR/1123; PE17/018; PE17/126; PE17/148; PM/127; SA/arien; VT43/18] Group: Eldamo. Published by


prefix. superlative prefix



Ae (Quenya?) noun "day" (LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK - ae was written over ar [# 2] in the names of the Valinorean week, but ar was not struck out.)



[ala (7) noun "day", also alan "daytime". The forms allen, alanen listed after these words could be inflected forms of them, genitive "of daytime", constracted (allen = al'nen) and uncontracted. However, Tolkien struck out all of this (VT45:13).]


noun "day" (of the sun), a full 24-hour cycle (Appendix D) composed of aurë (day, daylight) and lómë "night" (VT49:45). Short - in compounds like Ringarë (q.v.). Allative rénna (VT49:45).