Quenya 


proper name. Angainor

The great chain that bound Melkor after his defeat by the Valar (S/252).

Conceptual Development: This name had a long history in Tolkien’s legendarium, appearing in the earliest Lost Tales in various forms, most commonly ᴱQ. Angaino (LT1/103). In the Qenya Lexicon from the 1910s, it was glossed “Tormentor” and given as a derivative of the root ᴱ√ŊAHYA “hurt, grieve” (QL/34). The form Engainor >> ᴹQ. Angainor emerged in The Lays of Beleriand (LB/205, 208) and remained the same thereafter.

Possible Etymology: The later meaning of this name is unclear. Christopher Tolkien connected it with Q. anga “iron” in The Silmarillion appendix (SA/anga). However, the earlier name ᴱQ. Angaino was glossed “Oppressor” or “Tormentor”, and J.R.R. Tolkien was quite emphatic that it was not etymologically related to “iron” (GL/37, G. Gainu). He derived it instead from the root ᴱ√ŊAHYA (or NAẎA) “hurt, grieve” (QL/34).

This early root survived into Tolkien’s later writings as √NAY “cause pain, lament” (Ety/NAY, PE17/166). An intriguing possibility is that the older etymology of Angainor and its resulting glosses could have remained valid as well. The initial element of Angainor might have developed from a strengthened etymological variant of this root, perhaps √NAY > √ÑAY > ✶ṇ̃gay- > Q. Angai-.

As enticing as this idea is, it does not fit the phonology of later Quenya very well. A syllabic initial nasalṇ̃g- ordinarily developed into Q. ing- (PE19/77), such as ✶ñgōlē > ingolë “lore, science” (PM/360). Furthermore, N/Ñ is not a standard etymological-variation, since these variations did not usually cross homorganic grades (PE18/90). There is no evidence that Tolkien considered such a scenario in any of his later writings.

Quenya [LT1I/Angaino; MRI/Angainor; SA/anga; SI/Angainor; WJI/Angainor] Group: Eldamo. Published by



anga noun "iron", also name of tengwa #7 (ANGĀ, Appendix E, SA, PM:347, LT1:249, 268). In the pre-classical Tengwar system presupposed in the Etymologies, anga was the name of letter #19, which tengwa Tolkien would later call noldo instead (VT45:6). Masc. names Angamaitë "Iron-handed" (Letters:347), Angaráto "Iron-champion", Sindarin Angrod(SA:ar(a) ). See also Angamando, tornanga and cf. Angainor as the name of the chain with which Melkor was bound (Silm)


noun. iron


  • T. anga “iron” ✧ PM/347
  • S. ang “iron” ✧ PM/347; SA/anga


  • angā “iron” ✧ PM/347

Element in

  • Q. Angainor ✧ SA/anga
  • Q. Angamaitë “Iron-handed” ✧ PM/347
  • Q. Angamando “Iron Prison, Iron-gaol”
  • Q. Angaráto “*Iron Champion” ✧ PM/347
  • Q. Artanga “*Noble Iron”
  • ᴺQ. angaraxa “train”
  • ᴺQ. angatië “railway line, railroad track, (lit.) iron-road”
  • ᴺQ. angamendar “train station, (lit.) iron way-stop”
  • Q. tornanga “hard-iron, iron hard, iron hard; hard-iron, *steel” ✧ PE17/056

Phonetic Developments

angā > anga[aŋgā] > [aŋga]✧ PM/347
Quenya [LotR/1122; PE17/056; PM/347; SA/anga] Group: Eldamo. Published by



erë, eren noun "iron" or "steel"; Eremandu variant of Angamandu (Angband) (LT1:252; "iron" should be anga in LotR-style Quenya, but erë, eren may still be used for "steel". See also yaisa.)