Quenya 


the pourer

Ulmo masc. name, used of the Vala of all waters (ULU), interpreted "the Pourer" by folk etymology, but the name was actually adopted and adapted from Valarin (WJ:400)


masculine name. Pourer

A Vala, Lord of the Waters (S/26). This name was originally derived from his Valarin name or title Ul(l)ubōz (WJ/400). Later it was interpreted as a combination of the root √UL “pour” and the agental suffix -mo, thus meaning “Pourer”, and this interpretation influenced its final Quenya form (WJ/401).

Conceptual Development: The name ᴱQ. Ulmo appeared in the earliest Lost Tales as a replacement for very early ᴱQ. Linqil (LT1/58, 61), and the name kept this form in all of Tolkien’s later writings. At the earliest stage, ᴱQ. Ulmo appeared in the Qenya Lexicon as a derivative of the root ᴱ√ULU “pour, flow fast”, and in The Etymologies from the 1930s the name ᴹQ. Ulmo still had this derivation, from the root ᴹ√ULU “pour, flow”. The idea that his name was derived from Valarin did not emerge until the Quendi and Eldar essay from 1959-60 (WJ/400), but Tolkien retained the earlier derivation of his name as a false etymology.



UL“pour (out), flow, pour (out), flow, [ᴱ√] flow fast”
-mo“agental suffix”

Phonetic Developments

Val. Ul(l)ubōz > Ulmo[ulubōz] > [ulmo]✧ WJ/400
Quenya [MRI/Ulmo; PE21/80; PMI/Ulmo; SI/Ulmo; UTI/Ulmo; WJ/400; WJI/Ulmo] Group: Eldamo. Published by



The name Ulmo is said to derive from the Valarin Ullubōz. Alternatively, Ulmo is a Quenya title, which means "He who pours" (cf. ulya- "to pour" and agentive ending -mo "-er").[source?] In the earlier writings his Noldorin name was Ylmir, among them Tuor's The Horns of Ylmir.[source?] (Another Noldorin translation of his name is given as Nûron.) The Sindarin form is Ulu ([ˈulu]), though he is also called Guiar ([ˈɡuɪ.ar]) and Gulma ([ˈɡulma]).[source?] In Eriol's Old English translations, Ulmo is referred to by various names: Garsecges frea "Ocean ruler", ealwaeter-frea "All-waters ruler" or agendfrea ealra waetera "owning lord of all waters".

Quenya [Tolkien Gateway] Published by