Sindarin 


Q. .

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:137] < LOW. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


noun. flood


adjective. warm

Sindarin [Ety/368, X/LH] Group: SINDICT. Published by


suff. Q. .

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:137] < LOW. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


prefix. not

pref. not. >> alfirin

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:101:146] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


n. flood.

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:96] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by

noun. flood, fenland


noun. flood

n. flood.

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:96] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


noun. flood, fenland, flood, fenland; [G.] pool, lake

A noun that served as the final element in various river names. Tolkien was uncertain whether the primitive form of this word began with simple l- or s-prefixed sl-, hence the variation between and lhô. In notes on Words, Phrases and Passages from the Lord of the Rings from the late 1950s or early 1960s, Tolkien said the non-suffixal form of this word was hlô “flood” (PE17/96). In notes from 1966-67 he gave a bewildering variety of derivations for this word, but mostly represented it as lhô or hlô in various attempts to connect it to the river name S. Lhûn (PE17/136-137; VT48/27-28).

In notes on The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor from the late 1960s, while discussing the river name S. Gwathló Tolkien said:

> The element -ló was also of Common Eldarin origin, derived from a base (s)log: in Common Eldarin sloga had been a word used for streams of a kind that were variable and liable to overflow their banks at seasons and cause floods when swollen by rains or melting snow; especially such as the Glanduin (described above) that had their sources in mountains and fell at first swiftly, but were halted in the lower lands and flats. ✱sloga became in Sindarin lhô; but was not in later times much used except in river or marsh names. The Quenya form would have been hloä (VT42/9).

Tolkien rejected this etymology, however, replacing it with the following:

> was derived from Common Eldarin base LOG “wet (and soft), soaked, swampy, etc.” The form ✱loga produced S. and T. loga; and also, from ✱logna, S. loen, T. logna “soaking wet, swamped”. But the stem in Quenya, owing to sound-changes which caused its derivatives to clash with other words, was little represented ... the Quenya form of S. would have been ✱✱loa, identical with Q. loa < ✱lawa “year”; the form of S. loen, T. logna would have been ✱✱lóna identical with [Q.] lóna “pool, mere” (VT42/10).

This final etymology appears to be the last one Tolkien wrote on the topic; later in the same document he used the form in discussions of the river name S. Ringló (VT42/13-14). As for the meaning of the word, it seems it applied both to wide rivers with a tendency to flood their banks, as well as fenlands or wetlands in general.

Conceptual Development: As an element in river names, -lo first appeared in the river names N. Gwathlo and N. Ringlo in Lord of the Rings drafts (TI/304; WR/287). G. “pool, lake” from the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s is possible precursor (GL/54).

Neo-Eldarin: For purposes of Neo-Eldarin, I prefer the pre-1968 form of the word lhô, as this is both more distinctive and also allows us to salvage Q. hloä of similar meaning.


  • lhô ✧ VT42/09


  • Q. hlöa “flood, fenland” ✧ VT42/09
  • T. loga “*flood, fenland” ✧ VT42/10


  • SLOUN “*descend” ✧ PE17/136; VT48/27
  • LOW “flow freely (fully)” ✧ PE17/136; PE17/137; PE17/137; VT48/27; VT48/28
  • slowā ✧ PE17/137; VT48/28
    • LOW “flow freely (fully)” ✧ PE17/137; VT48/28
  • (s)loga “fenland” ✧ UT/263; VT42/09; VT42/10
    • LOG “wet (and soft), soaked, swampy” ✧ UT/263; VT42/09; VT42/10

Element in

  • S. Gwathló “Greyflood” ✧ PE17/136; PE17/136; PE17/137; UT/263; VT42/09; VT48/27; VT48/27; VT48/28
  • S. Lô Dhaer “Great Fen” ✧ VT42/14
  • S. Onodló “Entwash”
  • S. Ringló “Chillflood” ✧ PE17/096; PE17/136; PE17/136; PE17/137; VT42/13; VT42/14; VT48/27; VT48/27; VT48/28

Phonetic Developments

slowā > slŏw̯ > slaw > hlaw[slowā] > [slowa] > [l̥owa] > [l̥ou] > [l̥aw]✧ PE17/137
LOWO > lawa > law[lowā] > [lowa] > [lou] > [law]✧ PE17/137
sloga > lhô[sloga] > [l̥oga] > [l̥oɣa] > [l̥oɣ] > [l̥ōɣ] > [l̥ō]✧ VT42/09
loga > [loga] > [loɣa] > [loɣ] > [lōɣ] > [lō]✧ VT42/10


  • hlô ✧ PE17/096; PE17/137; VT48/28
  • -lō ✧ PE17/096
  • slō-/(s)lō ✧ PE17/136 (slō-/(s)lō); VT48/27 (slō-/(s)lō)
  • slô ✧ PE17/136 (slô); VT48/27 (slô)
  • hlaw ✧ PE17/137; VT48/28
  • law ✧ PE17/137; PE17/137; VT48/28
  • ✧ UT/263; VT42/09; VT42/10
  • lhô ✧ VT42/09 (lhô); VT42/09 (lhô)
  • -ló ✧ VT42/13
  • ✧ VT42/14 ()
Sindarin [PE17/096; PE17/136; PE17/137; UT/263; VT42/09; VT42/10; VT42/13; VT42/14; VT48/27; VT48/28] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. flood, high tide

Sindarin [VT/48:26] Group: SINDICT. Published by


~M prefix. negates the sense of the following word

pref. negates the sense of the following word. Applied to all classes of words but especially to verbs and adjectives. Prefixed to verbal stems (without further suffix), it forms quasi-participles in aorist mode (e.g. únod not ever counting, _úbed _not saying). The continuative participle ol can be added in order to express a strictly present (and continuative) sense : úgarol 'not now doing or making', idling vs. ugar '(generally) idle'. There is no sens of 'without' attaching to ú- in Sindarin, see pen- (ben-). >> pen-, úland, úlann

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:62:144-5] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by

noun. loud-sound, trumpet-sound

Sindarin [Ety/384, X/RH] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. sound of horns

Sindarin [Ety/384, X/RH] rom+rû. Group: SINDICT. Published by


sound of horns

pl. remry (idh remry) for archaic römry;



(adverbial prefix) ú-, u- (followed by lenition, e.g. ú-chebin ”I do not keep”) (without). Verb



u- (followed by lenition, e.g. ú-chebin


noun. sound


  • Q. láma “sound, sound; [ᴹQ.] ringing sound, echo”


  • LAM “(inarticulate voiced) sound”
Sindarin Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by


adverb. not


  • LA “no, not; negative; not to be”
Sindarin Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by


jyE prefix. not

Neologism derived from the root √LA "no, not". ló- and lenition before consonants. It's meant to be used as an alternative to ú-, which Tolkien rejected as a negative prefix in his later writings.

*ló-hevin mass "I do not have bread."
*law aníron mass "I do not want bread."

Phonological development:
lā > lǭ > lau, law
?law > ló-

Sindarin [< √LA] Group: Neologism. Published by



laug (pl. loeg)


adjective. warm

Sindarin Group: Eldamo - neologism/adaptations. Published by



(pl. loeg)


noun. law, rule


  • ᴹQ. sanye “rule, law”


  • ᴹ√STAN “fix, indicate, decide”
Sindarin Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by


noun. law, rule


  • ᴹQ. sanye “rule, law”


thain“law-abiding, regular, normal, *lawful, formal, according to custom”
Sindarin Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by


sound of voices

pl. lemmaid. May also be spelt with a single m.


sound of bells

(pl. nellaid);



al- (prefix) as in alfirin "not-mortal", immortal.



(prefix) as in alfirin "not-mortal", immortal.


will not

(i ava, in avar).



ovra- (i ovra, in ovrar)



(i ovra, in ovrar)


not common

(lenited haid; no distinct pl. form) (separate, private, excluded) (VT42:20)


making sound

lenited ?thlûn or ?lûn (the lenition product of lh is uncertain), pl. lhuin. Verb