Sindarin 


noun. eye

The Sindarin word for “eye”, most notably in the name Amon Hen “Hill of the Eye” (LotR/400), derived from the root √KHEN that was the basis for eye-words (PE17/187). Given the words henneth “window” (LotR/674) and Lachend “Flame-eyed” (WJ/384), it is possible that the independent word for “eye” is hend, but note also maecheneb “sharp-eye” which has no double-n (WJ/337).

Conceptual Development: This word dates all the way back to G. hen “eye” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/48), cognate to ᴱQ. hend- and so probably similarly derived from primitive ᴱ✶þχe-ndǝ (PE12/21). In the Early Noldorin Grammar of the 1920s, ᴱN. hen(n) “eye” was paired with ᴱQ. sinda (PE13/122), but in Early Noldorin Word-lists from the same period, ᴱN. henn was again cognate with ᴱQ. hen (hend-), both from primitive ᴱ✶ske-ndá. In The Etymologies of the 1930s it was N. {hent, henn >>} hên “eye” from the root ᴹ√KHEN-D-E “eye” (Ety/KHEN-D-E). Thus this word was well established in Tolkien’s mind, but had several variations in its form and derivation.


  • Q. hen “eye”


  • KHEN “base of eye-words, base of eye-words; [ᴹ√] look at, see, observe, direct gaze”

Element in

  • S. Amon Hen “Hill of Sight, (lit.) Hill of the Eye” ✧ PE17/077
  • S. Emyn Hen DúnadanHills of the Eye of the Dúnadan” ✧ PM/186 (Emyn Hen Dúnadan*)
  • S. Finellach “?Flame of Hair and Eye”
  • ᴺS. hendelu “brow”
  • S. henneth “window”
  • S. Lachend “Flame-eyed”
  • S. maecheneb “sharp-eye[d]” ✧ WJ/337
  • ᴺS. orchen “dandelion, (lit.) day-eye”


  • Hen ✧ PE17/077; PM/186 (Hen)
  • hen ✧ WJ/337 (hen)
Sindarin [PE17/077; PM/186; WJ/337] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. eye

Sindarin [Ety/364, LotR/II:IX, WR/128, X/ND1] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. eye

Sindarin [Ety/364, LotR/II:IX, WR/128, X/ND1] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. eye

Sindarin [Ety/364, LotR/II:IX, WR/128, X/ND1] Group: SINDICT. Published by


adjective. of eye, eyed, having eyes

Sindarin [maecheneb "sharp-eyed", WJ/337] Group: SINDICT. Published by



hend (i chend, construct hen), pl. hind (i chind), dual hent ”pair of eyes” (VT45:22), coll. pl. hennath. Adj.



(i chend, construct hen), pl. hind (i chind), dual hent ”pair of eyes” (VT45:22), coll. pl. hennath. Adj.



(lenited chebeb, pl. henib). Isolated from maecheneb ”sharp-eyed” (lenited vaecheneb; pl. maechenib) (WJ:337)