
Meldarion #2676

I began writing on Goodreads and entering the short story of the month contest. One of the topics, "Mythical Creatures," received good reviews, and I have continued the story. Tolkien's writings didn't delve into Avariels, which is the center of my storyline. Elf to English translator has offered some help. However, I know the followers of this site would be vastly disappointed in those translations. The story revolves around a prophecy of my creation, but I have trouble with the Quenya translation. Perhaps some words don't work. The Prophecy: An Avariel of elven birth will defeat the evil of Middle Earth. Wings of silver with bands of gold, eyes of green, and spirit bold. Wielding melee in its grasp, with sword and bow skills unsurpassed. With courage and a steadfast love, it will protect the earth and skies above." the translation "Aril tel-quessir -o elven nost will defeat i evil -o en coe. Wings -o mithril with bands -o mal plural mel, eyes -o calen, a mán cand. Wielding melee in its grasp, with magol a peng skills unsurpassed. With caun a boron mel, ha will beri- i coe a skies or. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated

Gwilithiel #2677

I know very little Quenya (I mostly work with Sindarin) but I must advise you against using any sort of online Elvish to English translator because not a single one of them are any bit accurate, especially due to the complexities of the Elvish languages. The translation that you have included mashes Quenya and Sindarin words with English and the result is pure gibberish. If you would be alright with a Sindarin translation I could try to offer that, but for a Quenya translation I suggest you wait for one of the experts to respond here, or go to r/quenya.

Meldarion #2679

Thank you kindly, I agree it is pure gibberish, and with very little knowledge of the proper translation, I will need much help with it. As my story is centered around Averiels and Queen Faenya, both Sindarin and Quenya are acceptable as she was fluent in all elvish languages

Aldaleon #2680

Aiya, Meldarion!

What are the Avariels? Are you thinking about the Avari, the Elves that refused to embark on the great westward journey?

Also, to clarify, are you looking to translate the following?

Wings of silver with bands of gold,
eyes of green, and spirit bold.
Wielding melee in its grasp,
with sword and bow skills unsurpassed.
With courage and a steadfast love,
it will protect the earth and skies above.

Meldarion #2681

Vedui and thank you for your reply. Avariels were only mentioned in some of the last writings of Tolkien. There are conflicting stories on avaries so in my writing, I chose to use this venue. Aerdrie Faeyna was the queen of the avariels, and to protect Middle Earth's humans, she went before God asking for help. He provided the avariels wings and command of Light magic to help in the final battles for MIddle earth. According to some of the research I found, the Avariels (Aril Tel quessir or Winged Elves) were crucial in the defeat of the dark realm. Because of her efforts, she was granted Immortality and became an elven goddess of the Seldarine. The quote is from my book Chronicles of Aerwyna. Still, my poor understanding of Quenya and Sindarin and the availability for accurate English to Quenya or Sindarin makes it hard to find correct translations. Averiels spoke both as well as Auran, which I can find no information on. As to your second inquiry, yes, I would really like to have it translated. There are multiple areas in my book with Quenya and Sindarin. it is very important for me to have accurate translations. It is not my intention to offend anyone with my ignorance. The full verses are "An Avariel of elven birth will defeat the evil of Middle Earth. Wings of silver with bands of gold, eyes of green, and spirit bold. Wielding melee in its grasp, with sword and bow skills unsurpassed. With courage and steadfast love, it will protect the earth and skies above.

Gwilithiel #2682

I’m not an expert in Sindarin, but here’s what I offer:

Orthoratha i thrû ennor,
Avariel gwanos edhellen
Roe gilib na rib vellin,
hîn gelain, a faer veren
Maethol nagor v’i vanc den,
di chyry vegil a gû ro-dhaer
Mo thalas a meleth thorn,
beria i Geven a Menel daer

I hope this helps! If someone could please double check this I would really appreciate that as well.

Röandil #2683

The avariel are a race of winged elves in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise and are not part of Tolkien's mythology.

The elf races of that IP speak their own languages, some (very heavily) inspired by Tolkien's work, but wouldn't use Quenya or Sindarin.

Gwilithiel #2684

Ah, that makes sense; I was wondering why I didn't remember hearing of such a name in Tolkien's works. I do hope my translation still proves to be somewhat accurate?

Meldarion #2686

Thank you both for your input. Yes, there is a huge presence of avariels in D&D, but my writing basis is not from a D&D genre. Tolkien never wrote any books about them. He only mentioned them in his later unpublished works. I am not a D&D patron and do not pretend to understand that world. My writing centers around a young girl living on Earth among humans. A prophecy and a coming of age. It started as a single-point fiction that has turned into a saga. I am trying to stay with Quenya and Sindarin. Your assistance Gwilithiel is much appreciated along with any assistance received as my writing progresses.

Röandil #2688

Tolkien never wrote any books about them. He only mentioned them in his later unpublished works.

He didn't. Again, they're an invention for the Forgotten Realms campaign, as are all of the names and mythological figures your post references. See the link I provided; if you're curious, I can provide more. I think your sources, whatever they are, may be confusing the two.