
Meldarion #2676

I began writing on Goodreads and entering the short story of the month contest. One of the topics, "Mythical Creatures," received good reviews, and I have continued the story. Tolkien's writings didn't delve into Avariels, which is the center of my storyline. Elf to English translator has offered some help. However, I know the followers of this site would be vastly disappointed in those translations. The story revolves around a prophecy of my creation, but I have trouble with the Quenya translation. Perhaps some words don't work. The Prophecy: An Avariel of elven birth will defeat the evil of Middle Earth. Wings of silver with bands of gold, eyes of green, and spirit bold. Wielding melee in its grasp, with sword and bow skills unsurpassed. With courage and a steadfast love, it will protect the earth and skies above." the translation "Aril tel-quessir -o elven nost will defeat i evil -o en coe. Wings -o mithril with bands -o mal plural mel, eyes -o calen, a mán cand. Wielding melee in its grasp, with magol a peng skills unsurpassed. With caun a boron mel, ha will beri- i coe a skies or. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated

Meldarion #2772

@Gwilithiel Elves don't have first and last names like we do.

I guess I didn't realize this, and it makes things so much easier for me and simplifies many of the name issues, now I just need to change them some to fit within Tolkien guidelines. I can offer the names I have and see if they might work, (using some of your suggestions as well). Here are the characters I am working with:

Aerwyna (Elroval Principle character Teenage girl) Merlaniel Elroval Aerwyna’s Amil, daughter of Gwaeriel Anthan Aerwyna’s father Pharia Aerwyn’s Fire lizard Gwaeriel Elroval Queen Maethorroval Qwaeriel’s Husband Ghiljenna Aerwyn’s Friend and confidant Lobelia Ghiljenna’s Amil (Quendi Elf) Elrohir Ghiljenna’s Ontaro (Quendi Elf) Chamurai Wier Dragon and mentor of Edhi Ryturek Wier Dragon of Mordar Rumera Augar Elroval, sister of the Gwaeriel
Sauvek Rumara’s Fire Lizard Elder Enalis, head of the Elroval Council Elder Galinndan Elder Palais Ak-Sindar Thoronadal Matriarchic

With all my deepest gratitude for even considering my project and the use of your time

Gwilithiel #2774

Would you mind separating the names of the characters from each other in a list of some sort so it's clear what name goes with what character? Right now all the names are kind of blended into a long run on sentence and it's quite hard for to figure out who's who. Also, if you would like certain names translated into Sindarin, please provide the meanings you intend with those names as well so that I can create Sindarin names for you. Thanks! :)

Meldarion #2780

@Gwilithiel, I’m not sure what happened, they were separated into a list, but I will try a different arrangement, and hopefully, it will make more sense. I adopted the names you suggested and will try to incorporate them into the storyline. Some I might be a bit confused with, but the intent is, so you will see what I have used I am open to whatever you wish to offer. I am still uncertain as to how to separate the Thorondan from the female version, as they are Matriarchic.

• Aerwyna: (Elroval, Principal character Teenage girl) • Merlaniel: (Elroval Aerwyna’s Amil, daughter of Gwaeriel) • Anthan: (Aerwyna’s father, Eldhill) • Pharia: (Aerwyn’s red and blue Fire lizard) • Gwaeriel (Elroval Queen aka Aratári in Quenya • Maethorroval: (Elroval Maethyr Qwaeriel’s Husband) • Ghiljenna: (Quendi Edhill Aerwyn’s Friend and confidant) • Lobelia Ghiljenna’s Amil (Quendi Elf) • Elrohir Ghiljenna’s Ontaro (Quendi Elf) • Chamurai: (Wier Dragon and mentor of Edhill and Elroval) • Ryturek Dragon of the dark realm • Rumera: (Augar Elroval, sister of the Gwaeriel) • Sauvek Rumara’s Fire Lizard • Elder Enalis: (head of the Elroval Council) • Elder Galinndan (lynnar Vocal arts master) • Ak-Sindar Thoronadal Matriarchic Maethyr

Gwilithiel #2853

Sorry it took me so long to reply; I’ve been busy recently. But anyways, here’s what I offer (based off what I know of your storyline and the sounds/spellings of the names you already have):

  • Aerwyna: Candwen (bold maiden) or Aerwen (sea maiden)
  • Merlaniel: Glaniel (shining [white] daughter)
  • Anthan: Annion (gift son)
  • Pharia: Ruilluin ([fiery] red-blue)
  • Maethorroval: just wanted to leave a note here that this name is just a title; if you want a more specialized name please let me know
  • Ghiljenna: Gilwen (star maiden)
  • Lobelia: Glóriel (golden daughter)
  • Elrohir: Thorndir (steadfast man)
  • Chamurai: Saellug (wise dragon)
  • Ryturek: Morlug (dark dragon)
  • Rumera: Melleth (beloved/dear girl)
  • Sauvek: Gurnor (fire heart)
  • Elder Enalis: Condir (mayor/chief) *note that this is a title; if you want a more specialized name let me know
  • Elder Galinndan: Turlind (song master)
  • Ak-Sindar: Belroval (strong winged)
Meldarion #2861

@Gwilithiel, Thank you for the wonderful help and recommendations offered. I have sent a request to Haper Collins publishing, as they hold the rights and permissions for the Tolkien Estate with regards to the books and notes, legendarium, and yes, even the Edhil languages. This website has the most comprehensive information on the languages of Tolkien and the most knowledgeable members one might hope to encounter. Though some books have been granted a free pass for publishing, it appears that any book using character names and/or references to Middle Earth is fervently prohibited. I was also informed that any character names or places derived from the legendarium, Sindarin, or Quenya dictionary are also prohibited.

I greatly respect the writings of Tolkien, his years of creation, the moral fiber written into the stories, and the religious parallels. I also have the utmost respect for the members of this site, the depth of study, and dedication making this site a level of expertise, albeit only for gaming and personal enjoyment, others can use in their pursuit.

It was my hope to write a continuing saga starting one hundred years after the end of the War of Wars and the fall of Morgoth. To create a new storyline with new characters to attract the next generation of readers. I await their response.

Gwilithiel #2865

I wish you luck!
