Quenya 

na carë indómelya

thy will be done

The fourth line of Átaremma, Tolkien’s Quenya translation of the Lord’s Prayer. The first word na “be” serves a subjunctive or imperative function, followed by carë “done”, the aorist or infinitive form of car- “to make, do”. This is followed by indómelya “thy will”, the second person singular polite possessive form of indómë.

Decomposition: Broken into its constituent elements, this phrase would be:

> na carë indóme-lya = “✱be done will-thy”

Conceptual Development: In earlier versions of this phrase (I-IV), Tolkien vacillated over whether to use á or na for the subjunctive/imperative element. Tolkien also used mendë for “will” instead of indómë in the early versions of the prayer, and he used different verb forms for car-: carina (I-IIa, likely a passive participle “done”) and cara (IIb-IV, perhaps a suffixed imperative).

There is a peculiar form carima in version V of the prayer, which resembles an adjective. Elsewhere, the suffix -ima has a function similar to the suffixes “-able, -ful” in English (PE17/68), which would give carima the meaning “do-able”, but this seems unlikely to be the intended meaning. This form carima is not a mistake, though, since Tolkien deliberately altered it from carina.

Helge Fauskanger suggested (LP-AM) that this sentence may be an example of an impersonal, subject-less sentence, meaning “[may it] be done your will”. There are other examples of Quenya verbs that can be used in such subject-less impersonal constructions, such as ora “[it] warns” (VT41/13), for your conscience (órë) warning you against an action.

|  I  |IIa|IIb|III|IV|V|VI| |na|á|na| |carina|cara|carima|care| |mendelya|indómelya|

Element in


ná-“to be, to be, [ᴱQ.] exist”
car-“to do, make, to do, make, [ᴹQ.] build”
indómë“settled character; will of Eru”


  • na carina mendelya ✧ VT43/08; VT43/09
  • {na carina >> á caran >>} á cara mendelya ✧ VT43/10
  • {mendelya á cara >>} á cara mendelya ✧ VT43/11
  • á cara mendelya ✧ VT43/11
  • na {carina >>} carima indómelya ✧ VT43/12
  • na care indómelya ✧ VT43/12
Quenya [VT43/08; VT43/09; VT43/10; VT43/11; VT43/12] Group: Eldamo. Published by