

proper name. Child of God

A title for the race of men as the children of Êru “God” (SD/247). It is only attested in the plural Êruhîn (SD/311, 358) and subjective plural Êruhînim (SD/247-8) forms “Children of God”. The suffix -hin seems to have been a general patronymic in Adûnaic used for lines of descent, also appearing in Indilzar Azrabêlôhin “✱Line of Elros [son] of Earendil”.

Conceptual Development: This name first appeared as Eruhil(di) (SD/341, 399), probably incorporating ᴹQ. hilde “men”. In these early appearances Tolkien may have conceived of this as a Quenya word before introducing its Adûnaic form Êruhîn. In its early appearances the latter name sometimes had a short initial E: Eruhîn (SD/358), possibly another transitional form resembling later Sindarin Eruchîn. In still later writings, Tolkien coined a Quenya word Q. Eruhin of the similar meaning, encompassing both Men and Elves.


  • EruhilEruhîn “Children of God” ✧ SDI2/Eruhil
  • EruhildiEruhil “Sons of God” ✧ SDI2/Eruhildi


  • Q. Eruhin “Child of Eru (God)”

Element in


Êru“God (the Omnipotent)”
-hin“child, patronymic”


  • Eruhîn ✧ PMI/Eruhîn; SDI2/Eruhil; SDI2/Eruhîn
  • Eruhil ✧ SDI2/Eruhil (Eruhil); SDI2/Eruhildi
  • Eruhildi ✧ SDI2/Eruhildi (ᴹQ. Eruhildi)
  • Êruhîn ✧ SDI2/Eruhîn
Adûnaic [PMI/Eruhîn; SD/247; SD/248; SD/311; SD/341; SD/358; SDI2/Eruhil; SDI2/Eruhildi; SDI2/Eruhîn] Group: Eldamo. Published by