Quenya 



Tolkien’s translation of the Sub Tuum Praesidium prayer into Quenya, composed sometime in the 1950s (VT43/7), first published in the “Words of Joy (Part Two)” article in Vinyar Tengwar #44 (VT44/5). Tolkien did not provide an English translation of the prayer; following the editors of the “Words of Joy” article, I used a modern English translation of the prayer (VT44/5).

Further discussion can be found in the analysis of the individual phrases. My analysis largely follows that of the “Ortírielyanna” section (VT44/5-11) of the “Words of Joy” article.


ortírielyanna rucimmë, Aina Eruontari“we fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God”
alalyë nattira arcandemmar sangiessemman“despise not our petitions in our necessities”
ono alyë eterúna me illumë ilya raxellor“but deliver us always from all dangers”
alcarin Vendë ar manaquenta“O glorious and blessed Virgin”



#ortírië noun "patronage", isolated from ortírielyanna "to thy patronage" (VT44:7). A verbal stem #ortir- "over-watch" (look after, care for, protect) seems implied.


noun. *patronage, (lit.) watching over (from above)

Element in

Quenya [VT44/05; VT44/07] Group: Eldamo. Published by