Patch notes

Aldaleon #5

Change log 2017-07-22:

  • Re-enabled wildcard support for search terms. If you write aw*th it should henceforth yield awarth, wheras *aw would yield a words ending with aw, e.g. aw, baw, daw, gaw, maw etc.
  • Increased comment field size.
  • Added a polyfill for requestAnimationFrame to enable scrolling animations for Android devices.
Aldaleon #2486

Change notes 2022-09-08:

  • [Glossary] Added the capability to edit inflections! This is particularly useful for verbs and nouns. For example, you can now add câr "she does" and agor "she did" as inflected versions of car- "to do". Phrases are already integrated, and I'm in the process of importing all available inflections from Eldamo.
    • How do I add inflections? Find the word you would like to inflect in the dictionary. You want the word that represents its uninflected base form or verb stem (like car-). Press the pen icon on the upper right corner to Contribute, and scroll down until you see a section titled Inflections. Press the button to the right of the title to add a new inflection.
    • Do you support neologisms? Yes! Just make sure that you mark the inflected form as a neologism by checking the checkbox on the same row.
    • What are "rejected" forms? A rejected form can be an earlier conception of the inflection that was later rejected by Tolkien.
    • Who reviews inflections? The process is the same as our other contributions. The only "twist" (if you can call it that) is that if you change the word and the inflections for the word, two distinct and therefore separate reviews are created. In this case, the reviewer must first approve the changes you've proposed to the word before approving the inflections.
    • What happens to existing inflections? Existing inflections were hardcoded during the import process from our latest batch from Eldamo. These will be removed as soon as our ongoing import is complete. In the meanwhile, you might see two tables of inflections - sorry!
    • What is the "Eldamo compatibility (do not use)" category under inflections and why shouldn't I use it? These are only maintained for compatibility with Eldamo until we've improved our inflection mappings. In other words, please do not use these inflection types as they will go away in the near-term.
    • What does it look like? Check out oio "ever" and talat- "to slip down" for a preview!
  • [Glossary] Improved search! With this release, a lot of the former 'cruft' that sometimes polluted the search results have been significantly reduced by a complete overhaul of how we resolve search queries. This is a fairly technical change, but on a high level, you should get more relevant results going forward. Further improvements still need to happen, but those are mostly contingent on manual efforts by reviewers and the community as a whole (make sure you use the sense field responsibly!)
  • [Tengwar] Added support for raw Tengwar input. Just type @raw-tengwar:...@ to use it! Example: @raw-tengwar:telco/a/alda/a/ore/a@telco/a/alda/a/ore aldar "trees"
  • [Phrases] Fixed a number of bugs in Phrases.

This is an unusually large change to Parf Edhellen. If you discover anything that doesn't work as expected, please reach out. Every report is appreciated!


Aldaleon #2513

Change notes 2022-09-17:

  • [Glossary] Fixed a bug that caused some word lookups to fail. You should now see far fewer of the "Oh, we can't find that word!" errors as you're browsing the dictionary.
  • [Glossary] Renamed Hiswelókë to SINDICT and made a database dump available on Github.
  • [Phrases] Fixed an issue that prevented you to publish inflections while editing a phrase.


Aldaleon #2571

Change notes 2022-11-09:

  • [Glossary] Imported Eldamo I'll update the About page over the weekend. It can take a few hours for all changes to reflect.


Aldaleon #2573

Change log 2022-11-10

  • [Glossary] Updated About page with the correct Eldamo version, now fully imported.
  • [Discuss] Added the capability to subscribe to groups. By subscribing to a group, you'll get notified when someone posts therein. In this initial release, we'll just store your intent to subscribe to the group, but it won't notify you yet. I will implement the notification in a future update soon.
  • [Discuss] Modified the Community activity section so that the activity is more actionable. For example, you won't be notified when someone logs in now, or when they complete 100 flashcards, but you'll know if someone is contributing to the dictionary, or when they engage in a discussion.


Aldaleon #2581

I’m aware of the issue that the text field in discuss crashes when you sometimes press the enter key. I’m investigating. In the meanwhile, please disable the “enter key inserts a paragraph” open beneath.

This has been fixed.

Aldaleon #2582

Change log 2022-11-20:

  • [Discuss] Fixed a client side crash affecting iOS devices. The crash happened when you pressed the enter key while writing a post. The root cause was iOS lack of support for requestIdleFrame.


Aldaleon #2601

Change log 2022-12-11:

  • Improved overall site performance by enabling HTTP/2 over TLS. The website should load a lot faster from now on. The biggest net gain though will be by enabling server-side rendering but I'm still working on that. It'll most likely require significant changes to our underlying infrastructure.


Aldaleon #2635

Change log 2023-01-02:

  • Major update to the client application - updated from React 17 to React 18, and migrated all component tests from Mocha and Chai to Jest. I also refactored the glossary to be more efficient.

What does this actually mean? Well, Parf Edhellen should load even faster, but there might be bugs that are introduced as a result of the upgrade to a new, major version. Please report any bugs you run into!


Aldaleon #2665

Change log 2023-01-18:

  • Fixed several search issues related to some words having somehow disappeared from the search index, effectively hiding them from the dictionary. Reported by Gilruin - thank you!
  • Removed ~200,000 invalid search index entries referring to dictionary entries that no longer exists.

In other words, search has improved!


Aldaleon #2674

Change log 2023-01-21:

  • Updated search index completeness. I'll give more details soon.
