Elethuil - Valid Name?

Ambarkas #3552

I've been going through my old notes and came across one of the first names I ever created for a Middle-earth character: Elethuil. The meaning is simple - el for star and ethuil for spring, so star of spring. This name is for a woman, and, now that I'm revising, is ethuil able to be a name component or is it only the proper name of the season? Should I use tuilë -> duil instead?

Rínor #3553

I don't see why you couldn't use it for a name. At least in my mind anyways.

There is S. Thranduil, m. “Vigorous Spring”. Using S. #tuil, n. “spring”

So you could use Elthuil or Elduil, and Gilthuil or Gilduil.

The "th" comes from OS23 when LT become LTH. Just in cause you are curious. Fiona also says that L+T come out to be LD or LTH as well.

Rínor #3564

elentuile > elentʰuile > elenthuile > elenthuil > elethuil

Ellanto #3565

Elthuil > Elluil

Gilthuil > Gilluil

Elethuil > Elennuil

See S45 for all of the above corrections.

The forms with -ld- given above are possible as late compounds.