Name Translation

Tarro Blackfeather #2447

Hi! I am very new to translations and am trying figure out a tranlation for the name Blackfeather in Quenya and Sindarin.

Using the search and just combining words, Morpesson was all I could get for Sindarin and for Quenya, Moriquessë was the best I could come up with (I found Morilúpë which is good, but seems closer to blackbird). Is this how you make names—by just combining words—or is there some better way to compose a name?

Thanks, Tarro Blackfeather

Röandil #2463

Yep, thought about that one but remembered it's "Sindarish" more than Sindarin proper — one of the Elvish-inspired names Tolkien offered Meriel Thurston for her bulls (Letter 345).