The Twinflames (Q. and Sin.)

Kyra Nárawen #2077

Hey! I'm having trouble figuring out how the title/name The Twinflames would translate into Quenya and Sindarin respectively. Any ideas?

Gilruin #2079

I would suggest Sindarin uilach, a combination of ui- “twi-” and lach “flame”.

In Quenya perhaps yurúnya with yu- “both, twice” + rúnya “red flame” or atarúnya with at(a)- “double”, or if the flame absolutely cant be red, perhaps yunár, atanár yunar with nár.

Kyra Nárawen #2080

Thank you, that's perfect! I always struggle finding the pre- and suffixes, so this is very helpful ^^

Quirinius #2081

Generally speaking, long vowels shorten in consonant clusters and final syllables, so those Quenya suggestions would rather be yurunya, atarunya, and yunar/atanar. Nevertheless, Gilruin gives some good translations.

My renditions would be slightly different:

  • Q. yunar or yuruine.

  • S. uinor or uiruin.

I personally would not use the prefix Q. at(a)- ⪤ S. ad-, since that rather seems to refer to "a second time," not something double/twin, although we do have Q. atatya ⪤ S. edaid, "double." Still, I recommend Q. yu- ⪤ S. ui-.

Gilruin #2082

Generally speaking, long vowels shorten in consonant clusters

Except that rúnya as a noun is explicitly attested with a long vowel. As long as we don't understand why that is there is no use in trying to fix it IMO.

My justification for at- being possible would be ataformaite & attalya, which is more than just repetition, but I would prefer yu- as well.

And yes, yunar (yunár-), I missed that it became polysyllabic, I knew it looked weird...

Quirinius #2083

Right, rúnya is attested with a long vowel. My mistake.