Patch notes

Aldaleon #5

Change log 2017-07-22:

  • Re-enabled wildcard support for search terms. If you write aw*th it should henceforth yield awarth, wheras *aw would yield a words ending with aw, e.g. aw, baw, daw, gaw, maw etc.
  • Increased comment field size.
  • Added a polyfill for requestAnimationFrame to enable scrolling animations for Android devices.
Aldaleon #1635

Change log 2020-12-29:

  • [Global] Updated ads to better support the continued growth of the website. I’m still fine tuning their placements and I’m aware of less-than-optimal ad placements on mobile devices. I am experimenting and will be improving the experience over time. The goal is to sustain the website without intruding on the user experience.

I’ve started working on indexing forum posts and threads within Discuss. I’ve found a solution using Amazon Comprehend, but I need to reengineer the index for a good experience. Progress is good, so expect an update soon. You can track my progress on GitHub.



Grimhawk #1668

Thanks for the update! Looking forward to the improvements.

Becca Ingram-Bryant #1675

Hey Aldaleon,

I've noticed that Sage gives an error: Something went wrong! Your browser raised an error while trying to create one of our components. We have recorded the error. Sorry about the inconvenience!

Is there something I should check with my browser to get the expected behavior when I beat sage? Sorry if you addressed this previously, I have been absent for some months.

Vanyalindë #1688


It's happening to me too. At first I though it was because I wasn't logged in, but it kept happening.

Aldaleon #1705

Change log 2021-02-13:

  • [Global] Updated all libraries and backend vendor packages. Parf Edhellen is now running on the latest version of Laravel and React.
  • [Search] Discuss is now using machine learning to automatically index (i.e. make searchable) content on the forums. I haven't incorporated linking yet in the search results, but it'll come soon. I've overcome the main hurdle of actually creating the search index.
  • [Search] Improved search experience. Please note that the "tip!" section is dismissable.
  • [Games] Fixed an error in routing that caused Sage to fail (thanks Becca and Vinyalonde!)
  • [Privacy] Restored "Log in with Facebook" by making it possible for me to fulfil GDPR OD3 requests. See the Privacy policy page for more information.

I need to stop making changes in the middle of the night. Phew!


Aldaleon #1717

Change log 2021-02-13 (B):

  • [Global] Corrected routes that broke after the upgrade to Laravel 8.


Aldaleon #1720

Change log 2021-02-14:

  • [Discuss] Fixed the RSS feed -- please resynchronize!
  • [Sage] Fixed the Success stage, so the game no longer crashes when you complete it.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Grimhawk #1739

The last few patches have really improved the site! Great work.

Thanks for adding the forum stuff to the search.

Aldaleon #1768

Hello everyone!

We’re currently refreshing the search index to improve performance and result relevance. Unfortunately, we’ve run into a snag so the search function will take another hour to restore. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Aldaleon #1769

Change log 2021-05-02:

  • [Glossary] Multiple performance improvements, including caching on the frontend and backend.
  • [Glossary] Improved search function that now displays phrases alongside the glossary. In the next update, Discuss posts will also be part of the search results.