Patch notes

Aldaleon #5

Change log 2017-07-22:

  • Re-enabled wildcard support for search terms. If you write aw*th it should henceforth yield awarth, wheras *aw would yield a words ending with aw, e.g. aw, baw, daw, gaw, maw etc.
  • Increased comment field size.
  • Added a polyfill for requestAnimationFrame to enable scrolling animations for Android devices.
Aldaleon #1853

Change log 2021-09-05:

  • [Discuss] Enabled automatic indexing of new posts using ML to identify useful indexable phrases. This is still an experimental feature.
  • [Discuss] Fixed an indexing bug that previously prevented a small subset of glosses from being appropriately indexed.

Knows issues:

  1. Some discuss posts don’t load appropriately if found via search. This will be fixed soon. (see 2021-09-18 release notes)


Aldaleon #1870

Change log 2021-09-18:

  • [Search] Added support for all types of search results related to discussion threads. This issue fixes the known issue from earlier release notes. This is super exciting as it has been long in the making! 🎉
  • [Global] Google insisted that we enable A/B testing for Google ads to improve the sustainability of the website. I've reluctantly followed their recommendation and enabled it. If you run into oppressive ads as part of these experiments, please let me know!

As always, thank you for your continued support!


Aldaleon #1883

Change log 2021-09-22:

  • Blocked all health related ad networks because they were serving inappropriate ads. If you saw these ads, I apologise! I will continue to block inappropriate ads as I see them.



Aldaleon #1896

Change log 2021-10-30:

  • [Flashcards] Removed advertisement below the flashcard as it sometimes interfered with the card.
  • [Global] Upgraded core libraries to their latest versions and fixed a few minor bugs discovered during the upgrade.


Aldaleon #1905

Change log 2021-11-16:

  • [Discuss] Posts are now moved to the middle of the screen for higher resolutions.
  • [Discuss] Improved thread group view with filtering and categories.
  • [Discuss] Added "Unanswered threads" filter.

Known issues:

  • [Discuss] Avatars aren't appropriately resized at the landing page. (Fixed 11/17)
  • [Discuss] Unanswered threads, answered do not sometimes reflect as answered. (Fixed 11/17)


Aldaleon #1906

Change log 2021-11-17:

  • [Sage] Added undo button to make it easier to undo picks you've made.
  • [Sage] Added a starry background to the Sage experience! It's a bit large at the moment, so I will downscale the image file in a future patch.
  • [Sage] Added borders around your cluster choices.
  • [Discuss] Fixed the sizing of avatars.
  • [Discuss] Fixed unanswered posts.


Aldaleon #1909

Change log 2021-11-20:

  1. Imported Eldamo 0.8.0. Improved how translations are parsed and handled, fixing an earlier bug where some longer word’s translations weren’t accurately reflected onto the dictionary.
  2. Increased process memory threshold to improve availability during long-running maintenance processes (such as imports)

Known issues:

  1. “About” page hasn’t been updated with the latest Eldamo version
  2. 47 glosses (approximately 0.2% of all glosses) failed the import because the translation is too long (over 128 characters.)


Aldaleon #1937

Change log 2022-01-01:

  • [Global] Fixed reference links: You can now navigate between words in the glossary and within Discuss (and other such places). Examples: alda and galadhremmin.
  • [Authentication] Restored Facebook login experience.

I hope you've all enjoyed a wonderful New Year's eve! Here's hoping for a better year with lots of love and unfettered creativity.



Aldaleon #2078

Change log 2022-04-16:

With this update, I'm excited to announce an improved look and feel for Parf Edhellen! This is a significant change that impacts every nook and cranny of the website. It brings our software stack up to date with the latest technology, affording me the time to focus on fixing bugs and addressing long-standing papercuts reported by the community. But as with every big update, there are issues and I ask for your patience while they get addressed.

Parf Edhellen 2022

Patch notes:

  • [Global] Upgraded to Bootstrap 5 which visually overhauls most components on the website. Improved the visibility of the search results field and tried to make it more self-explanatory with respect to how it's intended to be used. Reduced the number of custom stylesheets throughout the website to ensure consistent use of paddings, margins and border details.
  • [Discuss] Added more categories for various types of discussions. Added the concept of categorization of forum groups, enabling a much more comprehensive and self-explanatory breakdown of where to engage. Thanks a lot for all your feedback!
  • [Discuss] Refined common styles based on user feedback, including the sizing of sub-headers and images, the dimensions of block elements (like quotes and code blocks) and more.
  • [Glossary] Refined the gloss version view with more comprehensive details about the gloss' history. This view can be accessed on the upper right corner of every gloss. Here's an example mel-.
  • [Glossary] Fixed a timeout issue that caused search results not to be rendered in some circumstances. You will now get notified when the request times out.
  • [Home] Replaced the Dashboard view with Home, which is essentially where you go to access any of the perks you get for logging in.
  • [Contributions] Improved the user experience when contributing to Parf Edhellen, and where you review your existing contributions.
  • [Glossary] Added details to the "gloss of the hour" view.
  • [Phrases] Improved the phrase navigation experience and provided a fallback for corrupt or incorrect gloss associations (i.e. when you're clicking on a word that isn't properly translated or classified). Animated the chevron buttons for navigating between words. Check out Aia María! and don't forget to click on one of the words to get started.
  • [Flashcards] Removed all advertising from Flashcards to avoid overflow issues.
  • [Global] Fixed server-side rendering of dates across the website with the @date directive, effectively removing the "pop in" of dates when loading the page. All dates are now relative, although you can still hover over them to see their exact date.
  • [Discuss] Removed the scroll to latest by default behaviour when browsing threads. It just wasn't working as intended and led to more confusion that clarity.
  • [Discuss] Introduced the capability for administrators to move threads! This is useful as we reorganize existing discussion threads.
  • [Discuss] Introduced the capabilities for discussion groups to be locked. This capability is currently only used by the FAQ.
  • [Discuss] Added a like (and "unlike") animation to spice things up a bit.
  • Lots of bug fixes...

Known issues:

  • [Sage] About mid-game, some of the buttons stop working. You can mitigate this effect by using the buttons that do work to complete a word, at which point the rest of the buttons become clickable again. Investigation is ongoing. Fixed
  • [Global] Grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • [Discuss] When using the Markdown editor, the Formatting tab's contents overflow on mobile devices. Fixed!
  • [Global] Margins and paddings still need to be refined. This also includes the positioning of buttons and other components. Mostly fixed!

These issues are on the top of my list of things to fix.


Aldaleon #2085

Change log 2022-04-18:

  • [Glossary] Reintroduced the "Share" button for glosses.
  • [Global] Optimized the initialization of dialogue boxes to improve rendering times and to reduce memory use.
