Patch notes

Aldaleon #5

Change log 2017-07-22:

  • Re-enabled wildcard support for search terms. If you write aw*th it should henceforth yield awarth, wheras *aw would yield a words ending with aw, e.g. aw, baw, daw, gaw, maw etc.
  • Increased comment field size.
  • Added a polyfill for requestAnimationFrame to enable scrolling animations for Android devices.
Aldaleon #30

Change log 2017-10-05:

  • Added a timeline for comments. I will perhaps enhance the feature with other activities as well in the future. You can access the feature by clicking the Posts statistics while on the user profile.
  • It is now possible to suggest improvements and other changes to existing glossary, as well as existing phrases. Access the feature by clicking the edit button to the right of the word in the dictionary and phrases.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain authors from updating their contributions while their submission is pending review.
  • Disabled Twitter login option for configuration reasons.
Aldaleon #34

Change log 2017-10-17:

This update is not compatible with earlier versions. Please clear your cache to enjoy the new content!

  • Changed default font to Lora. Prettier, is it not?
  • Restructured how comments are saved and handled. This is the first step towards improving the community feature on Parf Edhellen. I will publish more on this soon.
  • Improved the dashboard, adding a link to posts and fixing a number of aesthetic issues.
  • Changed the order of comments, always presenting the most recent comment first.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some users from changing their profile.
  • Fixed a bug a bug that printed Auth::check() on some pages.
  • Fixed pagination on posts list.
Aldaleon #35

Change log 2017-10-17b:

  • Enabled Microsoft as an identity provider. You can henceforth log in using your Microsoft account.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the dictionary to crash while displaying glossary from Ardalambion and Parviphith.
Aldaleon #36

Change log 2017-10-17c:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented comments from appearing without a full-page refresh.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of React.
Aldaleon #37

Change log 2017-10-18:

  • Moved all client code to a separate folder named after the current version in production. This should hopefully forcefully refresh the cache appropriately when changes are published in the future.
  • Fixed dialogue boxes (which were previously incompatible with React version 16).

I apologise for the inconsistency and frequent crashes during the last 24 hours. These will hopefully come to an end now.

Aldaleon #38

Change log 2017-10-25:

  • Added an entirely new section Discuss. It is an aggregated view of all comments on this website, as well as the functionality to create independent threads of discussion. A great place for translation requests!
  • Localized all dates across the website.
  • Ensured that system fonts are used appropriately across the website (where non-serif fonts are required).
  • Improved pagination and infinite loading for comments.
  • Removed the top-menu's stickiness, which should give more space on mobile devices. It can always be found by scrolling to the top of the page.
  • Highlighting posts referred to (by clicking).
  • Improved key design features across the website.
  • Improved used of caching.
Aldaleon #43

Change log 2017-11-01:

  • You can now add multiple translations to a single gloss. This is a "breaking" change, and impacts how you work with glosses. Try it out!
  • Renamed translations to glosses. This change impacts the entire site. Check your bookmarks!
  • Updated the API to version 2.0. The new API has breaking changes, and the previous version of the API has been removed.
  • Enabled comments for contributions.
  • Improved error messages.
  • Fixed an error which prevented normal users from contributing phrases.
  • Updated Eldamo imports, fixing some cosmetic errors while adapting the glossary.
  • Replaced smooth scrolling script module with something that works better across devices.
  • Fixed an error when importing a glossary and not properly initializing the gloss.
  • Improved validation when saving glosses.
  • Improved the sort order for glosses.
  • Improved stability across the website's central functionality.
  • Enabled "propose changes" contributions on phrases for administrator.
Aldaleon #51

Change log 2017-11-03:

  • Added support for tengwar transcription. Supported modes are: adunaic, blackspeech, quenya, sindarin-beleriand, sindarin, telerin and westron. The westron mode is devised by Benjamin B, whereas the other modes should be according to Tolkien's specification. You trigger the transcriber by typing an at-sign (@) followed by the mode of choice, a pipe character and then the text you would like to transcribe. Finish with an at-character.


@sindarin-beleriand|Mae govannen!@Mae govannen!
@blackspeech:Ash nazg durbatulûk@Ash nazg durbatulûk
@quenya:eleni sílar@eleni sílar

  • Introduced Markdown editor for comments.
  • Fixed an error which prevented certain accounts from editing and deleting their comments.
Aldaleon #54

Change log 2017-11-06:

  • Improved sorting by relevance algorithm for glosses.
  • Fixed an exception which was raised in iOS when adding glosses.

Known issues:

  • Tengwar transcription does not work properly when previewed, or on the 'Posts by author' page.
Aldaleon #56

Change log 2017-11-10:

  • Fixed an error for certain users when listing flashcards.
  • Fixed transcription problem (see previous log) for the 'Posts by author' page.
  • Fixed normalization scheme for semicolons.