This is great! It got me really thinking.
Phrase “How to Thank in Sindarin” by Elaran
Annon allen!
A more plausible alternative to a problematic yet often used Neo-Sindarin phrase.
Is this Annon mutated somehow from Hanna-? I wish I knew why this phrase was better.
In fact I did not put 2 and 2 together that there was an article and now I shall dredge it up.
I had to read that several times to make sense of it, but I think I understand. Hanta-> Hanna-> anna- which is valid to use because the old form of anna- has been replaced. It is very interesting! Annon Allen!
So, if annon allen is "I give thanks to you", is annon atin "I give thanks to them"?
The dative pronouns for Sindarin are still unclear, but currently the linguistic community uses either ethin or athin for "to/for them". I personally prefer ethin.