Contribution “elenrimbë” by Sámo Collarwa


These are the comments on Sámo Collarwa's contribution “elerrimbë”.


 noun. starry host; host of stars


rimbë“host, great number, [ᴹQ.] crowd”
Quenya [Parf Edhellen entrie(s): elen; rimbë] Group: Neologism. Published by
Quenya elerrimbë host of stars star-host starry host
Thank you! Your contribution was approved by Gilruin.
Gilruin #2375

The sequence -nr- doesn’t seem to be allowed in Quenya. In the name elen + rina → Elerrína we see an assimilation -nr- > -rr-, in the names Elerondo, Elerosse perhaps EL- with vocalic extension, I‘d suggest you use either of those approaches.

Sámo Collarwa #2383

The double-r would be best, I think. It adds a slight amount of emphasis which makes speaking it generally more pleasant.