Quenya 

undumë rúma

the abyss moving

The twenty-second line of the Markirya poem (MC/222). The first word is undumë “abyss” followed the infinitive (or short active-participle) form of rum- or rúma- “to move”, used adjectivally.

Decomposition: Broken into its constituent elements, this phrase would be:

> undumë rúma = “✱abyss moving”

Conceptual Development: In the first draft, Tolkien used an ordinary active-participle form rúmala, which he retained initially in the second draft before changing it into the shorter form rúma (MC/222).


  • undume rúmalaundume rúma “the abyss moving” ✧ MC/222

Element in


rum-“to shift, move, heave (of large and heavy things)”


  • undume rúmala ✧ MC/222
  • undume rúma ✧ MC/222