Sindarin 


noun. forest of the great (shadow of) fear (Mirkwood)

taur (“great wood, forest”) + en (sing. gen. article) + #daer (“great”) or #dae (“shadow”) + delos (“abhorrence, loathing, detestation”) [Etym. DYEL-] probably del (“fear”) + gos, goth (#gost? “dread”); #dae is not found in Etym, but the stem is probably NDAY.

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

taur e-ndaedelos

place name. Forest of the Great Fear

The Sindarin name of Mirkwood, translated “Forest of the Great Fear” (LotR/1134), a combination of taur “forest”, en “of the” and the mutated form of daedelos “horrible fear”.


  • Taur-e-Ndaedelos ✧ UT/281; UTI/Taur-e-Ndaedelos
Sindarin [LotR/1134; LotRI/Mirkwood; UT/281; UTI/Taur-e-Ndaedelos] Group: Eldamo. Published by