Quenya 


base, foundation, root

talma noun "base, foundation, root" (TALAM), also translated "bottom" in the expression "top to bottom", see below.% Talmar Ambaren (place-name, *"Foundations of the World" - this is pre-classical "Qenya" with genitive in -en instead of -o as in LotR-style Quenya) (TALAM). Allative talmanna in the phrase telmello talmanna** "from hood to base**, top to bottom" _(VT46:18; notice misreading "telmanna" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, entry TEL-, TELU-)_


noun. base


Quenya [PE 18:33, 60 PE 18:84, 95] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by


base, root, root-word

sundo (þ) noun "base, root, root-word" (SUD), sc. a Quendian consonantal "base". According to VT46:16, Tolkien changed the root to STUD, thereby implying that sundo was earlier þundo (compare Sindarin thond "root"). PE18:95 gives the pl. form as sundur, seemingly implying a stem-form sundu-. It is not, however, used in the compound sundocarmë "base-structure" (PE18:84 not **sunducarmë), a term used in the description of the structure of the various Quendian "bases" or roots.

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Qenya 

talmar ambaren

place name. Roots of the Earth

Another name for Martalmar in cosmological notes from the 1930s (SM/241), a combination of the plural of talma “root” and the genitive of Ambar “world” (Ety/TAL).


talma“base, foundation, root”
Ambar“Earth, World”
Qenya [SM/241; SMI/Talmar Ambaren] Group: Eldamo. Published by


place name. Roots of the Earth

The “veins of the world” in some cosmological notes from the 1930s (SM/241-2, 255), also appearing in The Etymologies as combination of mar “world” and the plural of talma “root” (Ety/TAL).


mar“home, dwelling, house, habitation; earth”
talma“base, foundation, root”


  • Mar-talmar ✧ SM/241
Qenya [Ety/TAL; SM/241; SMI/Martalmar] Group: Eldamo. Published by