Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Primitive Elvish


verb. to sift



  • Eq. silt- “to sift, sort out, winnow” ✧ PE14/058
  • G. thlid- “to sort out, sift, sieve, discriminate”
Early Primitive Elvish [PE14/058] Group: Eldamo. Published by


root. *spit

A root appearing in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s with variants ᴱ√kerek- and ᴱ√kereχ- and derivatives like G. crech “spittle”, G. crectha- “spit”, G. agrectha- “despise”, and G. agrectharol “despicable” (GL/27). The first of these derivatives reappeared in Early Noldorin of the 1920s as a derivative of ✶kǝ̀rekka along with the Qenya form ᴱQ. rekka (PE13/140). This Qenya form, and the meaning of the Gnomish words from the 1910s, resembles the derivatives of the root ᴱ√RETYE from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s such as ᴱQ. retye- “spit” and ᴱQ. retima “despicable” (QL/79). Thus ᴱ√KEREKE may be variant or replacement for ᴱ√RETYE.

In The Etymologies of the 1930s there is a later root ᴹ√PIW “spit” which may have supplanted ᴱ√K(E)REKE, but the derivatives of ᴹ√PIW are only verbal and I think it worth positing the existence of a Neo-Eldarin noun root ᴺ√K(E)REK “spittle” to salvage the Gnomish words, especially those having to do with contempt.



  • kerek- ✧ GL/27
  • kereχ- ✧ GL/27
Early Primitive Elvish [GL/27] Group: Eldamo. Published by


root. *spit


  • Eq. retye- “to spit” ✧ QL/079
  • Eq. rent “spittle, saliva” ✧ QL/079
  • Eq. retima “despicable, contemptible” ✧ QL/079


  • RET͡YE ✧ QL/079
Early Primitive Elvish [QL/079] Group: Eldamo. Published by