Quenya 


verb. to heal

A neologism for “to heal” coined by Helge Fauskanger for his NQNT (NQNT), the equivalent of [N.] nesta- “to heal”. I would use the attested verb Q. hasa- (haþa-) “to treat medically, help cure” instead (PE22/166).


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Quenya Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by


verb. to graze, pasture, give to feed, feed


  • ᴺ✶. NES “give to feed; feed, pasture; graze”

Element in

  • ᴺQ. nestië “(act of) feeding”


verb. to feed

A neologism for “to feed” coin by Damien Bador as a straightforward derivative of the attested primitive verb ✶matyā- of the same meaning (PE22/135). I would distinguish it from ᴺQ. nesta- “to graze, pasture, (give to) feed” used for feeding farm animals, whereas matya- can be used for feeding anyone.


Quenya Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by