Sindarin 


verb. to eat

The verb for “to eat” derived from the root √MAT of the same meaning (PE17/131; Ety/MAT). In Tolkien’s later writing it appears only in inflected forms, but the verb itself is well established, dating back all the way to G. mad- in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/56). This verb was one Tolkien often used in examples of verb conjugations and as such its inflected forms changed considerably over time, but that is more a topic of the evolution of the Sindarin verb system.


  • Q. mat- “to eat”
  • T. mat- “to eat”


  • mat- “to eat” ✧ PE17/131; PE17/131
    • MAT “eat”

Element in

Phonetic Developments

mantinā > manthen > mannen[mantinā] > [mantina] > [mantʰina] > [manθina] > [manθena] > [manθen] > [mannen]✧ PE17/131
matina > maden[matina] > [matena] > [maten] > [maden]✧ PE17/131
Sindarin [PE17/131; PE17/145] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. meal


  • ᴹQ. mat “food, meal, meal, [ᴱQ.] meal time; [ᴹQ.] food”


  • MAT “eat”

Element in

  • ᴺS. amorvad “breakfast”
  • ᴺS. dúvad “supper, dinner”
  • ᴺS. nedhwad “lunch, (lit.) middle-meal”