Quenya 


verb. extinguish, *quench

A neologism for “extinguish” coined by Helge Fauskanger for his NQNT (NQNT), perhaps intended to be a cognate of S. luithia- “quench”, assuming that verb was derived from primitive ✱luktya-; hat-tip to Vyacheslav Stepanov for this suggestion. Patrick Wynne suggested [N.] luithia- could be based on the root √DUY “flood” (VT48/31 note #7) with primitive D/L variation (VT48/22), but this derivations makes it difficult to explain the -thia ending. This verb might instead be tied to the root √LUK “drag”, based on the sense of dragging something over flames to put them out, making primitive ✱luktya- more plausible. However, -tya does not appear as a verb suffix in Tolkien’s later writing, though it was fairly common in Early Quenya of the 1910s.


Quenya Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by