Quenya 


noun. Gnome-realm


Quenya [country of the Noldor PE 18:40] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by


land of the gnomes

Ingolondë place-name "Land of the Gnomes" (Beleriand, "but before applied to parts of Valinor") (ÑGOLOD)


place name. Country of the Noldor

An ancient name for the kingdom of the Noldor in Beleriand (LR/253), derived from a primitive word Ṇ̃golondē where the initial ñ- became syllabic and was therefore not lost (PE19/77). The meaning of the suffix -ndë is unclear, but a similar formation appears in the name Elendë “Elfland”; some of Tolkien’s notes from the 1930s indicate it may have been the result of ancient nasal-infixion (PE18/40).

Conceptual Development: This name was not used in the published version of The Silmarillion, but ᴹQ. Ingolonde appeared in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s (SM/108, LR/253), where it was translated “Kingdom of the Gnomes” (LR/253). The name appeared in The Etymologies as a derivative of the root ᴹ√ÑGOLOD, where it is translated as “Land of the Gnomes” (Ety/ÑGOLOD). Its more detailed derivation (as noted above) appeared in the Tolkien’s writing on Quenya Phonology (PE19), in both the first version from the 1930s (PE19/36) and in the later version from the 1950s (PE19/77).

A possible early precursor to this name, ᴱQ. Noldomar “Gnomeland” appeared in the Qenya Lexicon (QL/67); see that entry for discussion.


  • Ṇ̃golondē “country of the Noldor” ✧ PE19/077
    • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”

Phonetic Developments

ṇ̃golondē > Ingolonde[ŋ̣golondē] > [iŋgolondē] > [iŋgolonde]✧ PE19/077


  • Ingolonde ✧ PE19/077