Sindarin 

Imloth Melui

noun. sweet flower valley

im (“between, within”) + loth (“a head of small flowers”), mel (“dear”) + ui (adjective suffix) #M sometimes resists lenition when otherwise may cause confusion.

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

imloth melui

place name. Lovely or Sweet Flower-valley

A rose-filled valley in Gondor (LotR/866) translated “Lovely Flowery Vale” (RC/582) or “Sweet Flower-valley” (VT42/18), a combination of †im “valley” and loth “flower” (VT42/18) with otherwise unattested melui “lovely”.

Conceptual Development: In Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, this name was already N. Imloth Melui.


im“valley, valley; [N.] dell, deep vale”
loth“flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
melui“lovely, sweet”
Sindarin [LotRI/Imloth Melui; RC/582; VT42/18] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Imloth Melui

Imloth Melui

The name Imloth Melui is translated as "sweet flower-valley".

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway] Published by

Noldorin 

imloth melui

place name. Imloth Melui

Noldorin [WRI/Imloth Melui] Group: Eldamo. Published by