Quenya 


verb. to condemn

A neologism for “to condemn” by Arael posted on 2023-05-08 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), a combination hru- “evil” and √NDAB “judge”. Röandil instead suggested ᴺQ. undav- as a “negative strengthening” of the root √NDAB, similar to umbar “doom” from √MBAR. I don’t recommend either of these, since I prefer to use the root √NAM “judge” for compatibility with the name Q. Námo “Judge” in The Silmarillion as published. I don’t have a recommendation of my own, but I guess ᴺQ. hrunam- “condemn” might be acceptable.


NDAB“to judge”
Quenya Group: Eldamo - neologism/reconstructions. Published by