Sindarin 


noun. Harlindon

South(ern) Lindon; har (from harad “south”) + lindon (Ilk. “musical land”) Ilk. probably explains the intervocalic nd instead of nn, for the Etym. also gives another form lhinnon #closer to TA S? Later was probably reconsidered to be derived from lindânâ [HKF] “[the land] of the lindar”.

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by


place name. Lindon south of the Gulf of Lune

A name for the southern part of Lindon (PM/313), a combination of that name with the prefixal form har- of harn “south”.

Conceptual Development: The name N. Harlindon appeared on the draft maps for Lord of the Rings from the 1940s (TI/302).


harn“south, southern”
Lindon“Land of Music”
Sindarin [PMI/Harlindon; UTI/Harlindon] Group: Eldamo. Published by