Sindarin 

Ethir Anduin

noun. mouths of great river (Anduin)

[His.] ed (“out”) + sîr (“flow, river”), and (“long”) + duin (“long and large river”) David Salo: ”dh and mh were liable to revert to d and m when they came to follow a nasal after syncope” TolkLang message 19.31.

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

ethir anduin

place name. Mouths of Anduin

Mouth of the river Anduin (LotR/400), translated “Mouths of Anduin” in Tolkien’s “Unfinished Index” of The Lord of the Rings (RC/350). This name is a combination of ethir “river mouth” with the river name.

Conceptual Development: In Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, this name first appeared as N. Ethir-andon, soon revised to N. Ethir-anduin, matching changes in the river name itself (TI/298).

Sindarin [LotRI/Ethir Anduin; PMI/Ethir Anduin; RC/350; UTI/Ethir Anduin] Group: Eldamo. Published by