Sindarin 

Achad Tarlang

place name. The long narrow 'col' or passage over the long spur of the mountains that separated Lamedon from the plain of Erech

topon. The long narrow 'col' or passage over the long spur of the mountains that separated Lamedon from the plain of Erech. It is not certain whether this was named after some ancient man with the Sindarin name Tarlang ('stiff-neck', sc. 'proud') or was due to the obsolescence of Tarlang 'the stiff, tough passage' to which S. ached had been prefixed in explanation, so that Achad Tarlang 'the crossing called Tarlang' was interpreted as 'Tarlang's Neck'. The neck was not the name of the passage but of the lower, narrower ridge (crossed by the road) between the main mountains, and the mountainous region at southern end of the spur. Fachad, lang

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:92] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by

achad tarlang

place name. Tarlang’s Neck

The full Sindarin name of Tarlang’s Neck, a combination of achad “neck, rock ridge” and the name Tarlang (RC/537, PE17/92).


achad“rock ridge, neck (geographically)”
Tarlang“Stiff Neck; Stiff/Tough Passage”
Sindarin [PE17/092; RC/537] Group: Eldamo. Published by