Sindarin 


noun. black magic river

morn (“dark, black”) + (n-)gûl (“magic, necromancy”) + duin (“long and large river”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by


place name. Morgulduin

Name of the stream through Morgul Vale (LotR/697), a combination of morgul “sorcery” and duin “river”.

Conceptual Development: When it first appeared in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, this stream was given two names: N. Duin Morghul with the elements in reverse order, or Ithilduin with the alternate element N. Ithil “Moon” (TI/312).


morgul“black arts, sorcery, necromancy”
duin“(large) river, (large) river; [N.] water”
Sindarin [LotRI/Morgulduin; TII/Duin Morghul; WRI/Morgulduin] Group: Eldamo. Published by