Sindarin translation

Sidi #3704

I was wondering how "Dark Lady watch over you/me" would be in Sindarin (even in Quenya why not) and the closer I've got is "Morodel tiro de/nin", but I'm not sure. Is it remotely correct?

Rínor #3705

Hello Sidi! Not bad. I would say Heryn vorn tiro gin/nin. or Rodel vorn tiro gin/nin. You can also use len if meant to be polite.

Dark Lady as compounds: Morcheryn, Morrodel, Morchiril.

de is an independent pronoun and what you are looking for is Object aka Accusative pronouns.

Sidi #3706

Oh I see, thank you. I mostly used Nimrodel and a tiro nin, fanuilos as references so it made sense to me.

Not sure which compound sound better tho, I like them all.

Rínor #3707

Just remember the -ch- sound is always like -ch- in Scottish loch. Never like -ch- in English chair. -r- is always trilled or at least flapped wherever possible.