"Ice queen" translation for a tattoo

Smug Elanor #3636

Hello everyone, I'd need some help for the right translation of "ice queen" or, to be exact, of "Elanor the icy/ice queen". Researching here i found these words as the most fitting - i think -

ICE helcë (Quenya) / khelek (Primitive elvish)

QUEEN tári (Quenya) / rían (Sindarin)

So i was wondering if one of these translations might be correct:

1) Elanor helcë-tári

2) Elanor khelek-rían

Thank you in advance

Gwilithiel #3637

For something as permanent as a tattoo, it is much safer to use a transliteration (writing the English phrase using Elvish letters) rather than a translation into one of the Elvish languages. I have linked an accurate transliteration here. You can play around with the fonts as you wish.

Smug Elanor #3638

Yeah, you're right. I was just really tempted by the thought of having the phrase fully translated, but transliteration is definitely the easiest path. Also, I've been looking for a reliable site to do this for quite a while now, so thank you for the link!