Did I translate this right?

Alyce Dossey #3530

Hi! So I’m wanting to translate “Because it was real” into Quenya. After doing my research I believe it’s “Pan sa anes anwa,” but after double checking I’m curious if I need “sa” (it) as I’m pretty sure “anes” (s/he it was) makes sa redundant? Basically is the sentence:

pan sa anes anwa OR pan anes anwa

Thank you so much!!

Ellanto #3531

Neither is correct.

I would render this phrase as An nánes nanwa.

If this phrase is meant for any kind of permanent inscription, such as a tattoo, an engraving, etc., I should caution against using it. For such purposes it is recommended to transcribe the English words into Tengwar like this, instead of translating it. The reason for this is because our understanding of Elvish shifts and changes over time and new publications may prove our best guesses now to be invalid in a few years.