Correction of translated names please :)

Telgaladh #3514

Hello, everyone sorry to bother you here. I would just like to ask for your opinion, I am trying to translate my family's names. I was interested in both the Sindarin and Quenya variants. May I know your opinions? I tried at least Quenya according to your suggestion, but honestly I would be interested in Sindarin.

Lukas (Lucas): meaning - bringer of light, lighbringer, don't have a clue. Iveta (Yvette): meaning - yew tree, yew bow (Q-Tamuril + iel) - Tamuriel? David: meaning - beloved (Q- Melda + m. suffix On) - with Meldon? Samuel: meaning name of God or god has heard - (not sure) Ainon? Peter: meaning rock (Q- Caliondo + on) - Calion (Caliondon)? Monika: solitude one - (Q-Eresse + iel) - Eressiel?

Ellanto #3516

Hey Telgaladh

You seem to have posted more or less the same question four times, I hope you will be content with just one answer.

  • Lightbringer:

    • Quenya: I can offer you Calacolindo or Calacolin "lightbearer" as an approximation of "lightbringer".

    • Sindarin: Calacholon or Calacholor "lightbearer". Perhaps Calathog "lightbringer" can also work.

  • Yew tree/bow: The only attested word we have for yew, tamuril, comes from very early drafts of Quenya, and I would recommend avoiding it if possible. One idea that comes to mind is to use "willow" instead of "yew" - the trees are not quite the same, obviously, but it seems that the Proto-Indo European root meaning "yew" has evolved into words meaning "willow" in various languages, so it's something; "willow" is much easier to work with in Elvish. Assuming this is acceptable, here are my suggestions:

    • Quenya: Tasariel.

    • Sindarin: Tathariel or Tetheriel.

  • Beloved:

    • Quenya: I think Meldon might work.

    • Sindarin: I would suggest Meldir (though that is also one of the Sindarin words for "friend").

  • Samuel.

  • Rock/pebble: Calion/Caliondo are attested names meaning "son of light", not what you need here.

    • Quenya: Sarmo seems like a nice option.

    • Sindarin: Sarnon.

  • Solitude: Eressiel seems fine to me (for Quenya). For Sindarin I can suggest Erethiel.

Telgaladh #3522

Hey Ellanto,

thank you very much. I was little confused where should I put my question so I tried it on more places. Of course this answer is enough. You suprised me with the willow but I am not an expert so it was new information for me. :) Have a nice day and thank you.