
Zehn Waters #3410

While I don't have access to Khuzdul for the term I'm looking for ("ice-fang"), in Sindarin I've got:

Khelek+carch "ice-fang"

Rínor #3412

From what I understand, it would yield 'Carcheleg'. I flipped 'carach' + √KHELEK. The reverse order gives 'Chelecharch'. Note that the 'ch' is pronounced hard, like in the German word 'ach', and not soft like in 'child', nor like in 'knock'.

Ellanto #3414

Slight correction - Chelecharch should be Helecharch.

In IPA this would be [ˈhɛ.lɛ.xarx].

Carcheleg [ˈkar.xɛ.lɛg] is correct; I vaguely recall suggesting that same form in another thread not too long ago.