"Remember today little brother. Today, life is good." in Quenya

Tenzil Kem #3380

My brother and I want to get tattoos with this quote and I cant find a trustworthy translation of it in Quenya. What would it be? in Sindarin I found "Reno hîr, honeg. Sîr, cuil maer."

What would it be or where can I find a trustworthy translator.

Ellanto #3381

I would argue that the Sindarin version ought to be rendered as Reno i-aur hen, honeg. Maer i-guil sír.

Which brings me to the main point: when it comes to Elvish, ask ten experts and you will get ten different answers, and in some years, when new material is published, all ten of them might agree that their answers are no good anymore.

For this reason the general recommendation for tattooes is to transcribe rather than translate. That is, you write the English words using Tengwar. Like this for example.