Gil+ros or Aglar+ros

Zehn Waters #3367

Would they just stay Gilros or Aglarros? Or would the latter become Aglaros?

Ros can mean "rain" as well, yes? So Gilros could be glossed as "Star-Rain"?

Aglarros would be "radiant spray"?

Rínor #3368

Aglarros might be more "glory foam" I used Aglar for my name "Little Glory" Pinaglar. There is Elros which is Star Foam. But I don't see why you could have Gilros.

Also, I think you would be ok with Aglarros. From what I can tell it is still light syllable.

Ellanto #3369

Both Gilros and Aglarros seem fine to me formation-wise.

Aglarros would be stressed on the second syllable, i.e. ag.LAR.ros; that is a heavy syllable, but not a super heavy one.

Rínor #3370

Dangit! Missed that LOL. Yep looked over the section on stress again.