
Morwinyon #3361

“Lightbringer” : How would I say this in either Quenya or Sindarin? As in a name to call someone to say they carry, bring forth, a physical light source? Heck even Adunaic. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

Rínor #3362

It might be easier to do it in Quenya because every combo I come up with for it in Sindarin does not look good. At least from what I can tell anyways. Nathgalad? You have S. natha- v. “to bring help to, save, rescue” and S. calad n. “light, fire, brightness, shining” or even using S. galad [ng-] n. “radiance, glittering reflection; light, fire, brightness, shining; bliss” (Category: Light).

Ellanto #3364

Natha- won't work here, it means "to save, rescue", not "to bring" in the sense of "carry" or "bring forth".

I can offer the following options:

  • Quenya: Calacolindo "lightbearer (masc.)", Calacolinde "lightbearer (fem.)"; both could probably shorten to Calacolin.

  • Sindarin: Calacholor "lightbearer", Calacholon "lightbearer (masc.)", Calacholdis / Celecheldis / Calacholeth / Calacholil / Celechelil "lightbearer (fem.)".

Let me know if you want more ideas.

Morwinyon #3366

Thank you so much!!!!!! Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my post, I am new here ☺️. And I like all the offered names. You guys are awesome!