
bbet0 #3333

Hi, everyone.

I'm very bad at languages, it may seem strange to some that I'm here. But I suddenly wanted to make myself a nickname in Elvish by linking my name and what I like, that is - "Batuhan the artist"

The meaning of my (Batuhan) name: The ruler who prevails, is powerful, victorious.

I found a bunch of translators, but I'd like it to be in English so I can use it in speech, i.e. read it. If someone can help translate these couple words into Quenya, that would be really great, or at least close in meaning. Thanks in advance.

Found in one of the dictionaries that artist is translated as "maeron"(Sindarin) and "maitar"(Quenya) sounds very nice) But I could be wrong.

Ellanto #3341

Hey bbet0

"The ruler who prevails, is powerful, victorious" reminds me much of Turucáno! So as not to steal Turgon's name, we could perhaps form Turuher "Victory-lord / prevailing-lord". I don't really have any other ideas at the moment.

So "Batuhan the Artist" could be Turuher i Maitar.