watchful, vigilant in Sindarin?

Zehn Waters #3280

What is "watchful, vigilant" in Sindarin? I know it's tirítë in Quenya (according to our translator at least). It's the translation of my name and I'm curious what it'll be.

Ellanto #3288

It is not entirely clear whether or not the Quenya suffix -ite has an equivalent in Sindarin, though it might possibly be observed in N. nîd < ✶neiti √NEJ, so perhaps a direct cognate, tirid, may be possible.

Alternatively, and perhaps the safer bet, would be tíreb.

Ellanto #3291

I forgot to mention - at least as far as Elvish names go, a plain adjective cannot be used as a name. You might need to form some kind of compound from it, or add an agental suffix or some such.

Zehn Waters #3293

Hm. Neither are terribly inspiring lol

Hm. An agental suffix? I suppose I've personally glossed my name as "Watchman", being a fan of Star Wars EU where they had Jedi Watchmen. What would that translate to? Tirindir?

Ellanto #3297

"Watch-man" can be rendered as Tirnir or Tirdir (note that in this context man = male person).

Zehn Waters #3304

Hm. Both sound rather repetitive. Tirwe perhaps? Though this seems to be a reconstruction from older, Quenya names (i.e. Manwë>Manwe, per

This seems to have mutated into simply "u" as in Elu. Tiru? Ick. I'll stick with Tirwe.

pen/ben seems to mean "one, somebody, etc.". Tíreben? Tírebpen? Tirben?

Ellanto #3305

Tirwe is not possible in Sindarin.

With pen you can have Tirben as a late compound or Tirphen as an earlier compound.

Zehn Waters #3306

Hm...Tirphen sounds better. Is there another masculine or neuter agental suffix?