Á cuith tess ë, Galadriel

HurricaneBrisa [she/her] #2534

Hello everyone, I was watching The rings of power's episode 8, and I was wondering what is Elrond telling Galadriel when he says "Á cuith tess ë, Galadriel". Can someone help me understand? I tried translating every single word but I can't make sense of "tess" meaning "fine pierced hole" in this context, so I suppose I'm wrong... Thanks in advance!

Andrejs Zacarinnijs #2535

Hello! It seems to me that creators are using some of the early linguistic material in this one: in his Gnomish language and in early period of development of Quenya Tolkien fixates such words as tess(il) and tessa, both understood as "maiden". So the phrase seems to say "A maiden with a lively body You are, Galadriel". May be wrong in some of the semantics of the phrase as a whole, and it still eludes me why they used word from such an early lexicon, and not some well-attested late equivalent.

Röandil #2536

This was almost certainly a mistake on the part of the subtitling team — he's saying the same á quildesse ("be at peace") that Elendil said to Galadriel in an earlier episode.