Female Name

Hawkwing1 #2488


I'm trying to come up with a woman's name that would translate as gift-giver or giver of great gifts. I'm hoping the Quenya name is euphonic enough, but if it doesn't fit the character, I'd like to have the Sindarin translation as backup.

I hope I did this right, since this is my first post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and especially thank you to anyone who decides to try and answer it!

Gilruin #2490

That would be Annante, a compound of anna “gift” and ante “giver (f.)”. You might want to distance yourself from certain other Gift-givers though.

Hawkwing1 #2492

Thank you!

And yes, I am well aware of a certain Lord of Gifts, and so is the character. The comparison is intentional.

One question: the e would have an umlaut over it, right?

Thanks again!

Gilruin #2493

In LotR spelling it would be Annantë, yes. It's not strictly speaking an umlaut since it doesn't change the way it's pronunced, it's just a reminder to the English reader that Quenya -e is never silent, so unlike the other accents, the two dots can safely be left off, and Tolkien did so frequently in other writings.